Monday, June 14, 2021

May 2021 End of Month Report

Liberia and Ivory Coast

3 - Countries (Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)

5 - Bases 4 in Liberia and 1 in Ivory Coast (Liberia bases: Zwedru, Grand Gedeh; Sinje, Grand

Cape Mount, Voinjama, Lofa County and Bopolu, Gbarpolu County)

16 - Total counties we ministered in Liberia and Ivory Coast.

122 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in

30 - Churches we visited and worked with

88 - Total mission trips

38 - Persons were baptized

14 – Completed Bible Marking study

42 – Attended level 4 training, 2-week class, in Liberia

17 – Attended level 1, 1-week training in Liberia

15 – Attended level 3, 1-week training in Ivory Coast

2,446 - Viewed the Jesus Film, 20 locations

3 - Community Radio stations we are broadcasting from

20 - Dental patients, 24 teeth pulled

8 - Optical patients, 0 pair glasses distributed, 0 patient referred.

4,000 - Pages printed, 660 manuals produced

The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad. Only in the unity of us all can the above be a reality and even increase. We have spread across Liberia and are in the neighboring countries where we train, disciple and church plant. We use many different weapons as we advance the Kingdom of God within the strongholds of Satan.

Introducing Max Kubik, 21 years old; Henry Combs, 21 years old; and Jared Hewines, 19 years old

These 3 men are part of the Global 100 team assembled by Woodside Bible Church from the Detroit region.  They have sacrificed to come!  Max and Henry will each stay 7 months and delay a semester of their college studies. Jared will stay 3 months.

The assignment given to Wordsower Africa by the Global 100 team is to “confirm their call”.  Each of these young men have felt the call of our Lord to become missionaries.  Well, that is easy to say while setting in an Easy-boy chair, sipping a coke, with air-conditioning, in America.  The test is, can they endure the hardships and sufferings of “Wordsower Boot Camp”! Already they have prepared and eaten an African ground hog, eaten monkey, porcupine, chicken feet and bugs. They are learning to live without in-house electric and running water. They have ministered in a refugee camp, a prison, drug yards, and isolated villages.  Even now, Henry is with a team in a gold camp, a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, ministering and sharing the gospel of our Lord to the lost.

Recently, Jared was dropped off with two Liberians deep into the rainforest.  They walked for hours going from village to village.  When they arrived in the villages, they taught the Gospel of our Lord and other Bible teachings.  While in between villages, walking the trail, they came across a man named Solomon.  They stopped him and shared the gospel with him.  He confessed that he was the violent regional Devil (the Animistic religion is a demonic religion that believes in voodoo, spirit worship, witchcraft, and curses. Their Spiritual leader is called the Devil).  Solomon professed that he believed the gospel that was presented to him. He said that he wanted to become a Christian and be baptized, thereby leaving his religion and his position as the Devil. The team left him with a promise to return the next day and bring him to our base.

The next day, Solomon was ready and waiting to come to our base.  When he arrived, we again shared with him the gospel.  He prayed, confessed his sin, and asked Jesus to be the Lord of his life. After we heard his testimony and profession of faith in Christ, Jared taught him about baptism, and we then proceeded to go to the creek and baptize him. From his confession, it was obvious that Solomon had been experiencing demon possession before the Lord brought him to us. He had received the position of the Devil from his father, and it had been handed down from father to son for many generations. His conversion is a devastation to a major stronghold of Satan. Praise God!

After Solomon was baptized, he was taken back to his village so that he could testify to his family and the community that he had become a Christian and was baptized. This was a very bold act of faith. For a person to leave the position of the Devil, it is supposed to be a death sentence.  But Solomon boldly proclaimed to his family and village that he had become a Christian and that he was leaving his position as the Devil.  Imagine Jared, a 19-year-old, sheltered American suburbanite, was used as an instrument by our Lord to devastate a stronghold of Satan. Jared has proven himself to be a fearless, faith-filled, sacrificial warrior. Today he is training on the frontlines. One day, we pray, he will be a frontline commander, and that our Lord will continue to use him to destroy the strongholds of Satan!!!

These three young men are experiencing firsthand the life of a missionary in a third-world country, deep in the rainforest of Liberia. In the few weeks they have been here, they have experienced and been taught much. They are learning to lean on our Lord for their strength, fearlessly going into the unknown to share the gospel of our Lord with the lost! We hope and pray that there will be others who will come and also be trained. If you feel that our Lord is calling you to become a missionary, then you are surely welcome. 

Hearts broken:

Here in Liberia, they say “the death news is too much.” We constantly hear of loved ones dying young. This month we buried the young wife of one of our indigenous missionaries.  After the birth of their baby girl, she started having chest pains and breathing difficulties. We took her to all of the capital city’s best hospitals, but they were unable to diagnose the problem. We then took her to another hospital out of the capital city. After almost a year of pain and suffering she passed away, leaving the father, Messiah, with a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old. One of the injustices of poverty is undiagnosed and untreated illness that results in preventable death. Imagine, one of the biggest killers here is malaria, which can be treated with one dollar’s worth of medicine. 

We continue to advance:

We now have indigenous missionary teams living among and bringing the gospel to all 5 unreached tribes of Liberia. We also have a base in Ivory Coast that is going to the unreached tribes of that country. Our teams continue to send reports of salvations and church plants. And right now, a team of Liberian indigenous missionaries are preparing to go to Sierra Leone to bring the gospel of Christ to unreached tribes in that country.

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

  • Praise: The three American trainees have arrived safe and are going on many missions.
  • Pray:  Please pray for their safety. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill them, train them and use them.
  • Pray: There are 393 unreached tribes, 147 million souls, in West Africa. Pray that we can send and train teams to go into these tribes. Pray about participating in the financial need to send them. 
  • Pray: Please pray for our safety as we continue to boldly and fearlessly march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
  • Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord's message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.


100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Click here to donate online

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:          
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417

Financial Report for May:

Summary of expenses:
$1,240 - Staff support for 8 employees
$662 - Assistance to the poor includes rent, medicine, water pump parts etc.
$661 - Radio Ministry
$686 – Zwedru Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and construction project
$2,324 – Zwedru base mission teams sent; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,600 – Grand Capemont Missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$2,400 - Lofa County missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$2,900 - Gbarpolu County Missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$2,000 – Ivory Coast mission team
$634 - Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$391 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 - Adult Literacy
$40 – Printing department
$0 – Video department
$0 – Bookstore Bibles
$1,508 – Wordsower Bible Institute level 4, 2 weeks, Zwedru
$683 – Wordsower Bible Institute Level 1, 1-week class, River Cess County
$1,351 – Construction costs
Total - $19,160

1 comment:

  1. Great job done! I pray that the Lord Almighty will continue to empower his own people for his own mission.
