Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church. Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church. We have worked in over 200 villages in 8 counties. This month we made 78 mission/ministry trips, visiting 72 villages and other locations, going into 6 new locations. Many of the places we visited multiple times, our longest trip was 7 days, shortest a few hours. We printed and distributed 9,500 pages of teaching material and distributed hundreds of Bibles, 9 were baptized and 9 completed our extensive Bible study program. Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.
Highlights of the month;
There are 3 unreached people groups in Liberia according to “The Joshua Project” (Google them). They are the Dan, Vai and Gola. Altogether, In Liberia, they are over ½ a million people. We now have a strong team in Bomi County working with the Gola Tribe. We have a church there we started 2 years ago and are united with another. The Gola people are about 75% Muslim, 20% traditional religions and less than 1% Christian. A couple communities have already invited us to start churches with them.
We have been working in the Ivorian refugee camps here in Liberia. In our county alone there are 61,000 Liberians and 78,000 refugees. They have time and are eager to study scripture. We have assisted in starting several churches in and out of the camps. Some of these leaders have been making visits into Ivory Coast and taken our training with them. We have been invited to go with them to train and assist them in starting churches. People see international borders, God sees a river.
Technology is always a challenge. Most of the month our copiers and generators were broken down, also our bikes are constantly needing repair. Parts have to come from Monrovia (country capital) and even as far as the USA. It can take 4 months to get parts from the USA. Also, our region ran out of gas so many mission trips had to be canceled.
I had Typhoid and Malaria this month, was very sick for a while. Still not back 100%.
Prayer Request: Pray with us as we enter Ivory Coast. Pray for our newly established team among the Gola in Bomi County. And, pray for our equipment to not break down.
Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,
“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” C. S. Lewis.
Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:
Sino County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah. Grand Gheda County: Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bently Mining Camp, Best, Biah Tarway, Billibo, Boe, Boley, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Dian, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh, 48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbarbo, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe, Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu, John David, Jonesgbaye, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital. Montserrado County: Monrovia. River Gee County: Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Klaboken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Tartiken. Bomi County: Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg. Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, 6 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pulla, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations. Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo. River Cess: Darhga, Gbee.