Saturday, December 18, 2021

November 2021 End of Month Report

4 – Countries: Ivory Coast, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia

6 – Bases - 4 in Liberia (Zwedru, Grand Gedeh; Sinje, Grand Cape Mount, Voinjama, Lofa and Gbarpolu), 1 base in Ivory Coast, 1 base in Sierra Leone
14 - Total counties we ministered in
156 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in
146 - Total mission trips 
31 - Persons were baptized
5,226 – Viewed the Jesus Film in 14 locations, shown 32 times
20 - Attended the level 3 WBI  2 weeks school.
703 - Attended our 1-3 days workshops-training in 15 locations.
4 - Broadcasting on community radio stations 
14 - Dental patients, 14 teeth pulled
13 - Optical patients, 5 pair glasses distributed, 8 patients referred
13,000 – Pages printed; 339 booklets made (English)
8 - Completed Bible Marking

The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad. Only in the unity 
of us all can the above be a reality and even increase. We have spread across Liberia and are in
the neighboring countries where we evangelize, disciple and church plant. 

Coming to the States:

Unexpectedly I, Kim Smith, have decided to make a visit. It was recently discovered that my father has terminal cancer. His 90th birthday is on December 29. His family and friends want to have a big celebration. It will also be my last time with my father. I arrive on December 20th and return on February 15th.  I will spend time in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois and California. I will visit with family, friends and those united with us in reaching the lost. Contact me if you would like to meet.

We are purposefully vague in sharing names and locations of the places we minister in to protect our leaders and the converts.

Report from our spies in Guinea:

We have sent two spies into Guinea to learn about the Wassulu and Eastern Maninka tribes. It is reported by that there are 0.00% evangelical Christians in the tribe. Our team discovered that our strategy for reaching these tribes will have to be very different. The people of these tribes will not speak French, the national language. They are very resistant and purposely isolate themselves from those outside their tribe. Our Lord knows the way to reach them. We have learned, long ago, that all we have to do is, “just show up”, and our Lord will reveal His plan for us to participate in His harvest. We will look for those who speak the tribal language and another language that is known by our team. These we will evangelize, disciple and then, as taught by Christ, send them out to their own. 

Behind the fence of this unreached tribe is a terrible darkness that can only be swept away by the “Light of the world.” Together we are the feet that will bring the Good News.

Report from Sierra Leone:

Our indigenous missionary team, in Sierra Leone, is working with the Teneme-Banta Muslim tribe. It is the most unreached tribe of Sierra Leone. Our team has gone into towns and villages, of this tribe, and led many to Christ. They are now training pastors to lead these newly birthed fellowships. We now, in one small town, have a congregation led by a pastor in training. We are training two more to establish congregations. We need 8-10 more to train and place. Pray as we train leaders to shepherd the new believers. 

Report from Ivory Coast:

This indigenous missionary team is working within several unreached tribes two of them are the Biankouma and Yorodougou tribes. 

They reported:
“We've been seriously warned by their spiritual leaders not to preach in the towns within the region of their demonic religious society. We were almost attacked physically on the 30th of November when three confessed Christ out of the 35 that watched Jesus films and listened to the Gospel preached. There was a great confusion afterward because these three were leaders of the society. One, of the three, was baptized and is undergoing training. The other two fear others within their demonic society, yet they attend our worship services and invite us to show the films in other towns and preach in their homes. We declare war! We seek to capture, for Christ, the main master characters, then the others will follow. Pray with us, this is challenging and threatening. But we have no fear.”

We Celebrate! 

A short-term missionary team from Woodside Bible Church, in Michigan, and a short-term team from Valley Bible Church, in California, joined us and ministered with us. They went to a refugee camp, drug houses, the prison, the hospital, and deep into the rain forest to remote, isolated villages to share the saving gospel of our Lord. 

We Graduate!

Henry Combs and Max Kubik have graduated from our 7-month missionary training intern program. They ministered in most of our counties, among all 6 unreached tribes of Liberia. As interns they evangelized, discipled, baptized, and served communion. They taught in our church plants and Bible school. They went into the drug houses, the prison, schools, and remote hidden villages and towns deep within the rain forest. The traveled by air, by car, by motorbike, by three wheeled carts and by foot in the mud and rain. 

Both Jared Hewines and Nathan Andrews spent three months, their summer break between semesters, as missionary training interns. All four of these young men are attending college. Each plan on going as missionaries when their preparation has finished. 

We enlist!

I believe that our Lord has called many of us, His disciples, to be missionaries. If you are feeling called then contact me and we will help you to start your journey. Gender and age are not barriers. Contact me while I’m in the States. I will arrive December 20 and return February 15. My WhatsApp number is +231 8813 44417, email address is 

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

  • Pray: For me as I visit my father. I will pray with him and tell him a final goodbye
  • Pray: That my time in the States will be fruitful 
  • Praise: Our new indigenous missionary team to Guinea is has been sent out to spy out the land. They have returned with valuable information that will help us establish another indigenous missionary base within these unreached tribes.
  • Pray: Please pray for our safety as we continue to boldly and fearlessly march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
  • Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord's message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.


100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Click here to donate online and select "PARTNERSHIP - WORDSOWER AFRICA"

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:          
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417

I have been traveling and was unable to complete the financial report for November.