Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church. Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church. We have worked in over 300 villages in 12 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. We made 56 mission trips, visiting 53 villages and other locations and we made many other local mission trips. We went into 2 new villages. 29 attended our 2 week Bible Institute. We printed and distributed approximately 1,500 pages of teaching material (our printers have been broke down most of the month), 37 were baptized and 18 completed our extensive Bible study program. Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.
Some highlights of the month
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! What a blessed month! The congregation of a church in Indiana donated to us $21,000 for motorbikes, upkeep, and gas. This month we purchased 10 new motorbikes that cost almost $10,000. That leaves us with $11,000 which should keep them running and gassed up for a year or more. One thing that kept us grounded many times was bike and gas issues. Now we are free, unbound and have left the gates in a great mad gallop to reach Liberia for Christ. To those who sacrificed for this gift we present to you our tears of gratitude, THANKS!
Wordsower Bible Institute: The second class of our Bible Institute have completed the course and have been sent out into their communities and the nation. This class had 29 students from four counties. Our next class starts on Oct 21 and goes until Nov 1. The class was consumed with passion, (passion is to suffer for a greater cause) and enthusiasm to take what they had learned as disciples to go wherever God leads them to make disciples who will also make disciples. To go out as missionaries, evangelists and church planters. An army is being formed, trained, and released. The goal of a healthy church in every town and village of Liberia in our lifetime will be achieved! Thank you for your offerings and sacrifice.
Don and Malaria: Well, his words were, “I have never been this sick in my life.” His first case of malaria a while back was buffered by him taking an anti-malarial drug. This time without the drug he got the full slam of malaria. He was down for about a week. At one point he was in critical condition. That day was a day he will never forget as he laid on his cool concrete bedroom floor in a pool of sweat while having an injection, 3 IV’s, and a load of pills pumped into his body throughout the day. His blood pressure dropped to 52, his limbs were numb as he fought to remain conscious. All is well, he is back and says he is about 90% recovered. Be in prayer for their family, they have four young children with them and all will experience malaria.
Audio Lessons and Print Shop update: Last month we started recording audio Bible lessons for training church leaders. Imagine being in a country where there is no Christian literature. You just imagined Liberia. The only Christian literature I have seen in Liberia is what we distribute. The audio lessons will be used for the illiterate and the printed lessons will be used for the literate. The print shop we bought last month has been shipped to us. We should receive it sometime in December. We have found a cheap distributer of paper here in Liberia! We will be buying bulk paper for between .006¢ & .007¢ a page! The cost of ink is around $5 per 100,000 black and white pages. Put this all together and it is a powerful tool for the Kingdom! We believe God is giving us the tools for a church multiplication movement that will spread through Liberia and West Africa.
Prayer requests: We need your prayers. Prayers for the health and safety or our team.
Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,