Merry Christmas! Not going to be a white Christmas here for sure. Missing the cold and snow.
In the middle of November we had a team come from Valley Bible Church in California. They brought us evangelistic literacy material for the villages of the resistance Muslim unreached tribes. This is a report of what our indigenous missionary team has done with the material:
•40 students in Wacco village •45 students in Gbarnga village •35 students in Falice village •35 students in Nagbena village •30 students in Wangekor village •30 students in Kpenegee village •30 students Kohima Fanullah village
That is a total of 7 villages and 245 students!!! Every teaching session the students will also hear Bible stories and the truth of who Jesus Christ is.
Word has gotten out about what we are doing in these 7 villages and it has created a wonderful problem. There are now many villages in this region begging us to come to them!!! These villages are from the Vai, Gola and Mende unreached Muslim tribes that had rejected us in the past.
In January we will be printing many more literacy manuals and train several more of our new disciples on how to teach literacy to these villages.
I’m reminded of the verse in 2 Chronicles 12:32, “Men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” Our duty is to show up in obedience, watch and listen to the Holy Spirit. He reveals and gives understanding as to what we should do. Paul did that on his missionary journey to Athens. He showed up, looked around and allowed our Lord to give him understanding of the times. It says in Acts 17:23 that as he was walking around in their city, he saw their objects of worship and an altar to an unknown god. He used this knowledge, acquired by just showing up, to share the gospel of our Lord with this unreached people group. “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7. Praise God, our Sovereign Lord has revealed to us His plan to reach these tribes.
In West Africa there are 393 unreached tribes of 147 million people. Liberia has 5 unreached tribes. We have an indigenous missionary team working in 3 of them. Next year, Lord willing, if funds are available, we will put two more indigenous missionary teams in the other 2 unreached tribes. Only about 5 cents out of every $100 given for missions is for reaching the unreached tribes.
Below is a link of our video of a Muslim man being baptized. You can also see past videos by searching Wordsower Africa on YouTube.
Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to: Woodside Vision Foundation 6600 Rochester Road Troy Michigan 48085
122 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in
103 - Total mission trips
10 - Total baptized
23 - Completed the Bible Marking program
273 - Attended our 2 day trainings in 8 locations
66 - Attended our 1 day trainings in 2 locations
21 - Dental patients, 28 teeth pulled
7 - Optical patients, 7 glasses distributed
28 - Wordsower Bible School attendance. This is a 2 week class on our base.
375 - Families either received a water filter system or were checked on with a follow-up visit
2,140 - Viewed the Jesus film shown in 17 locations
180 - Adult Literacy students in training
97,800 - Pages printed on our printing press
The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad. Only in the unity of us all can the above be a reality and increase.
We were blessed to have a short term mission team of 7 from Valley Bible Church in Hercules California join us. They were with us 10 days while spending 4 days in air transport.
We are at war against the kingdom of Satan and his lies. One of his most powerful strongholds is the Islamic kingdom. In Liberia we have 5 unreached, resistant Muslim tribes. It takes a variety of weapons to win a war. The Valley Bible short term team brought us and taught us how to use a new powerful weapon; evangelical literacy. The villages of these resistant tribes did not want us to enter. They did not want Christians to come and evangelize. But our Lord showed us the secret that would cause them not only to invite us in, but to also beg us to come - literacy training. The team brought many manuals of different levels of literacy training material that is evangelistic. They trained our indigenous missionary team how to teach the material. Then we all went to several villages of these Muslim tribes, introduced the material, evangelized, and showed the Jesus Film. Every Muslim village and town we went to agreed to have us start the literacy training with them knowing that we would also teach about Jesus and the Bible. We now have 180 students from several of these Muslim villages being taught in literacy and they are hearing the truth of Jesus instead of the lie they have been taught.
Christ taught us to give the people what they wanted and needed. He did this through miracles, showing love, while telling them about His Kingdom and His gospel. The desires of our youth was soccer and kickball uniforms, balls, and equipment. The Valley team brought a massive amount of what the youth desired. We now have two soccer teams with equipment and a girls kickball team is forming with anticipation of also receiving uniforms. The Valley Bible team also brought money to fix four broken water well pumps for two towns. One town had only three pumps, of which all were broken, forcing them to drink dirty water from the creek. The second smaller town had its only water pump broken also. Because of the team’s donation, approximately 800 people are drinking clean water again. The Valley Bible short term team also ministered in the Ivorian refugee camp, the prison, several villages deep in the rain forest, and taught in our Wordsower Bible Institute.
Teams, families, and individuals are invited to visit. Many have come in the past from the ages of 20 to 70. Some have come for days, weeks, months, a year, and for years. Children have come with their parents. There are already teams and individuals are planning to come next year. Pray and see if our Lord would have you come. My contact information is below; you are all invited. Those who feel called to missions can come and confirm your call. Those who are retired can come to use your skills and wisdom. Stay for days or indefinitely.
Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Liberia is one of the most fruitful places on earth. Here people beg to be discipled and to have churches started in their churchless villages and towns. In addition, Liberia has resistant, unreached Muslim tribes needing Christ and salvation. You are welcome, invited, desired, and needed. Come and participate. “Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ” (1 Cor 10:16)? As Our Lord Jesus suffered, bled, and died for the lost and His body, the church, we also are told to participate in the sacrifice; to be a living sacrifice. Satan’s lie that he desires for you to believe is that you have nothing to offer. Do you have Christ? Well, you have Christ to offer. Come. Show up. We will train you and He will use you to present Him.
Below are some pictures and videos of the Valley Bible Church team.
Praise: We are now in several resistant, unreached Muslim villages teaching literacy, Jesus, and the Bible!
Praise: We have 180 students from these villages learning how to read and learning about Jesus!
Prayer: Please pray for the financial crisis in Liberia. Banks have run out of money. Confusion, stress, suffering, and poverty is rapidly increasing because of this new current crisis.
Prayer: Please pray that we will continue to boldly and fearlessly march into the strongholds of Satan to “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
Pray: For increased donations. We have an indigenous missionary team ministering to 3 of the unreached tribes of Liberia. We have 2 more tribes that need indigenous teams to go to these tribes.
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
In the middle of the page you will see “India Children at risk” and a down arrow. Click on the down arrow
Choose Wordsower Africa
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Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085
If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417
Financial Report for November:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$500 - Assistance to the poor
$221 - Radio Ministry
$721 - Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
$1,652 - Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,192 - Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$984 - Wordsower Bible Institute we had 28 attend our two-week class on our base.
$1,700 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$58 - Printing press supplies and labor
$1,085 - Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$1,017 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 - Adult Literacy
$1,900 - Wordsower Ivory Coast base Total $11,865