Friday, May 5, 2017

April 2017 End of Month Report

Special prayer request!   Donations have continued to decrease over the last few months.  This month our limited donations will fund our Bible Institute and some printing but will not fund our other ministries.  We will not be able to go on missions into the villages, distribute water filters, or teach 2 day conferences.  Please be in prayer with us for our Lord to reveal the reasons for the decreased donations.

We went on 36 missions in 8 counties impacting 90 villages and towns in 2 countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast.  A mission can last 1-7 days.  We did 7 two day regional conferences.  Our projector was used 7 times showing the Jesus film and other Christian training films to several hundred people.  We baptized 35 persons.  3 completed our Bible marking training.  Many had the Gospel presented to them and many made confessions of faith asking our Lord for salvation and forgiveness.  We printed approximately 71,000 pages of Bible training material.  We made 1,500 manuals. 

Testimony:  Darlington Quayee gives us his testimony:  At the age of 11 the rebels took me from my parents.  Immediately they trained me to be a soldier.  I carried an AK-47 rifle.  They beat me and kept me drugged and drunk.  Once when I refused to fight they stabbed me with a knife.  They took me into the villages to fight and kill.  At the age of 17 I escaped to Ivory Coast as a refugee.  At the age of 25 I returned to Liberia and was again made to be a rebel fighter against the government forces.  After the war I was able to find my mother after 16 years.

Kim found me in the bar drunk with my friends and fellow rebel fighters.  I stayed drunk most of the time.  He came plenty teaching us the Bible and about God.  I listened, repented, became a Christian, was baptized and have attended 2 of Wordsower’s Bible Institute levels.  Now I am giving testimony to my friends.  I tell them about how they too can come to Christ and be forgiven.   

Thank you World Missionary Press!!!  They are located of New Paris, Indiana and have printed and shipped to us 1,000s of Bible verse tracts and 3,000 much needed French NT Bibles.  All for free!!!  The French speaking refuges are overjoyed to now have their own copy of the scriptures.  We have been blessed with this most wonderful gift from them.  Again we say thank you World Missionary Press!  

Missions:  On our motor bikes we go into very remote villages.  Often we go as far as the trail will allow and then park and hike for hours, or cross rivers on rafts to present the Gospel to the people.  Most do not have churches.   All want a church in their village.  Always we are well received and invited back.  When we enter we evangelize, disciple, raise up leaders and start churches.  Truly the harvest is plentiful.  Our Bible school is training and sending out harvesters plenty. 

Wordsower Bible Institute:  We had 40 students in our English level 2 class and several that listened in.  Again we experienced the Holy Spirit teaching through us teachers.  At great sacrifice the students came from 7 of the 15 Liberian counties.  They were excited to return as trained harvesters to make disciples and are excited to return back to our base for the next level. 

Water Filter Distribution:  This month we went to 30 remote small villages and gave filters to 266 homes providing clean water for about 1,330 people.  The people in these villages were drinking water that you would not even want to touch and the result was much disease, suffering and death.  In the last two months we have provided clean water for almost 3,000 people.  Also when we go we always present Christ and His Gospel.  And always when we return to them for more discipleship training they are excited to receive us and want to learn more of our Lord.  Jesus, while on earth, met the felt needs of the people showing His love and compassion.  We here are doing the same in His name through these filters.

Dental ministry:  This month our dental team did 15 extractions.  We still have not gotten official permission to run our clinic.  Please pray that we will get permission from the head of the county Health Department.      

Press Shop Construction:  The inside is complete and the outside needs only small cosmetics.  We have partially moved in and are now using the building.

Pray requests:  This month is a month of rest.  About half of all our ministries have been shut down for lack of funds.  We will have 3 united days of fasting and prayer this month plus other times of united prayer.  Pray with us that our Lord will reveal the reason for this rest.

·      $1,484 - Missions – includes feeding, compensation, rice for conferences
·      $708 - Bikes – includes gas, parts and labor
Press shop – $33 – for generator gas and labor
Humanitarian - $720 – Assisted many with food, rent, clothing and medical care
Dental Program - $50 – Used for worker wages 
Bible Institute - $1,689 – 40 students attended English level 2 week class.
Base expenses:
·      $111 Cook labor – we cook for 10-20 every day during construction and up to 80 when our Bible Institute is in session.
·      $180 Security labor – our doors and windows are secure, so thieves cut through our metal roof to enter.  This now requires us to have security at night.
·      $350 - Compensation for 3 staff members
·      $106 - Base supplies and maintenance
·      $400 - House food
Press shop construction – $994 – Includes material, feeding and labor.

$6,825  – Total

Keeping you informed.  Keep us in your prayers


Sunday, April 2, 2017

March 2017 End of Month Report

We went on 57 missions in 7 counties impacting 117 villages and towns in 2 countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast.  A mission can last 1-7 days.  We did 8 two day conferences.  Our projector was used several times showing the Jesus film and other Christian training films.  We baptized 1 person.  10 completed our Bible marking training.  Many had the Gospel presented to them and many made confessions of faith asking our Lord for salvation and forgiveness.  We printed approximately 5,000 pages of Bible training material.  We made 35 manuals. 
Daily in our rooms we have wasps, malaria infested mosquitos, large spiders, beetles, roaches and millipedes along with chickens and doves.  But in our French level 2 class we also had less common visitors.  We had a large black scorpion in our classroom, a snake in one of our houses and the cat in a great acrobatic move snatched a bat out of the air that was in my room.  OH, do I ever love this place!
We had 33 students and 8 children in our French level 2 class and several that listened in.  I have been teaching in this school for years.  Always I will experience the Holy Spirit teaching through me.  But this time it was abundant!  Throughout each day I had to stop and take notes of what the Holy Spirit was teaching through me.  It was a level of anointing that I have never experienced before.  Always with the refugees the Holy Spirit is powerfully present.  These refugees have been stripped of everything yet are full of joy and hope. 

Orphans, Refugees, Widows and the Blind:  We discovered an orphanage we have worked with before that was in deplorable condition, no food, no shoes, no school.  We assisted with food and shoes and are praying about the level of future involvement that our Lord desires.  We came across a suffering widow.  She needed a roof on her home.  We put on a metal roof for her.  We discovered the children of the blind refugees without proper shoes.  We purchased shoes for them.  We discovered a blind school without food.  We purchased food for them.  Who is “we”?  It is you and I united.  It is those who read our reports, pray and assist us with support. 
Our first missionary team returns:  They spied out the land of the Vai, Dan and Gola tribes and have returned.  Theses tribes are a Muslim mixed with animistic stronghold.  Our team went to Grand Cape Mont and Bomi counties.  They went to several cities, towns and villages praying, observing and discussing with the people.  This is from their report:
·         Oddly, overall we were received with excitement and joy.  Many expressed their happiness to see WSL coming to them.  They said it was a sign from God and answered prayer.
·         Grand Cape Mont is known as the center place for Muslims and the Vai tribe in Liberia.  In West Africa they are the Muslim bridge between the countries of Sierra Leon and Guinea.
·         Many Muslims are trained, smart and dedicated to keeping out Christianity.
·         In Robertsport, the capital city of Grand Cape Mont County, it seems that Christianity is accepted more and that many youth are coming to Christ.  But still there are almost no churches in the villages. 
·         We visited and saw that the Gola and Dan tribes have large settlements in neighboring Bomi County.  Bomi’s neighbor, Lofa County, is also a stronghold of animistic Muslims. 
·         These counties are very poor and the cost of living high.  They do not grow near enough food to feed themselves. 
·         The Vai are naturally unhospitable and are a very dependent people. 
We are now praying for the timing of sending an indigenous missionary team to them.

Water Filter Distribution:  This month we went to 31 remote small villages and gave filters to 251 homes providing clean water for about 1,255 people.      

Press Shop Construction:  The outside needs only small cosmetics and half of the inside is now complete.  Our team here hopes to have it finished in April, Lord willing.

Pray requests:  We are always overwhelmed with praise.  The fruit of our Bible Institute is the sending out of workers into His harvest field.   Still remain in prayer for that the County Health Department that they will give us permission to officially operate our dental clinic.  Pray as we seek our Lord’s timing for sending out missionary teams into the Vai, Dan and Gola tribes.   
·        $2,193 Missions – includes feeding, compensation, rice for conferences
·        $1,009 Bikes – includes gas, parts and labor
Press shop – 1,036 – purchased enough paper to print 170,000 pages and other press supplies
Humanitarian - $520 – Assisted many with food, rent, clothing and medical care
Dental Program - $80 – Used for worker wages 
Bible Institute - $2,000 – 33 students attended French level 2 week class.  This class was for Ivorian Refugees
Base expenses:
·        $112 Cook labor – we cook for 10-20 every day during construction and up to 80 when our Bible Institute is in session.
·        $186 Security labor – our doors and windows are secure, so thieves cut through our metal roof to enter.  This now requires us to have security at night.
·        $350 - Compensation for 3 staff members
·        $106 - Base supplies and maintenance
·        $400 - House food
Press shop construction – $2,263 – Includes purchasing tools, material, feeding and labor.
$10,255  – Total
Keeping you informed.  Keep us in your prayers

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

February 2017 End of Month Report

We went on 32 missions in 6 counties impacting 89 villages and towns in 2 countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast.  A mission can last 1-7 days.  We did 4 two day conferences.  Our projector was used several times showing the Jesus film and other Christian training films.  We baptized 10 people.  Many had the Gospel presented to them and many made confessions of faith asking our Lord for salvation and forgiveness.  We printed 35,000 pages of Bible training material.  We made 70 manuals. 
We had 66 students in our level 4 class and several that listened in.  This was our first level 4 training.  The training was about being sent as a missionary.  At the end of the class over 15 turned in applications to be considered and sent as missionaries to the 4 unreached tribes in Liberia the Vai, Mandingo, Gola, and Dan.  Our students came from 10 counties of the 16 Liberian counties.  We also had students from two countries; Ivory Coast and Liberia.  The students have returned to spread the Gospel as they were taught.   We will be sending our field leaders to them throughout the year to assist them in producing fruit, to encourage, provide material, and continue to train. 
Exciting news!  We have sent our first missionary team to spy out the land of the Vai and giants won’t scare us (Numbers 12:31-33).  They are a Muslim mixed with animism stronghold.  The Joshua Project gives this report concerning the Vai, “There are about 2 Christians for every 1,000 Vai.  There are no known churches.  The Vai are predominantly Muslim, but many traditional pagan beliefs are still practiced.”  There are about 162,000 Vai and they are mostly located in Grand Capemont County, a county we have never sent a disciple to before. 
More great news!  We purchased 6 new motor bikes!  We now have 10 new bikes.  Our old bikes we will send to our established teams in other counties.
Still more!  Our dental clinic had 3 patients and pulled 6 teeth.  We need prayer.  The County Health Department has not given us permission to operate.  Pray that they will give us permission.
Filter distribution:  We went to 12 remote villages and gave filters to 52 homes providing clean water for about 275 – 325 people.  Notice the pictures of the water they were drinking!    

Our press shop wall structure is complete.  The roof and outside plastering should be finished this week.

Pray requests:  We are overwhelmed with praise.  The fruit of our Bible Institute Level 4 class produced over 15 missionary applicants.  Praise God for the 6 new motorbikes, and praise for the complete funding of our new Press Shop.  Pray for that the County Health Department will give us permission to officially operate our dental clinic.  Pray for our first sent missionary team to the Vai tribe.   
·        $772 Missions – includes feeding, compensation, rice for conferences
·        $573 Bikes – includes gas, parts and labor
·        $5,627 – purchased 6 new bikes
Printing Press Shop - $81 – for generator fuel, and labor
Humanitarian - $381 – Assisted many with food, rent, clothing and medical care.
Dental Program - $101 – money used for setting up clinic and wages. 
Bible Institute - $2,160 – 66 students attended a 2 week class.
Base expenses
·        $112 Cook labor – we cook for 10-20 every day during construction and up to 80 when our Bible Institute is in session.
·        $186 Security labor – our doors and windows are secure, so thieves cut through our metal roof to enter.  This now requires us to have security at night.
·        $350 - Compensation for 3 staff members
·        $105 - Base supplies and maintenance
·        $400 - House food
Press shop construction – $2,599 – Includes purchasing tools, material, feeding and labor.  The wall structure is complete. The roof and outside wall plastering will be finished this week.
$13,447 – Total

Thursday, February 2, 2017

January 2017 end of month report

We went on 21 missions in 6 counties impacting 59 villages and towns in 2 countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast.  A mission can last 1-7 days.  We did 2 three day conferences.  Our projector was used 3 times showing the Jesus film and other Christian training films.  We baptized 42 people.  Many had the Gospel presented to them and many made confessions of faith asking our Lord for salvation and forgiveness.  We printed 9,000 pages of Bible training material.  We made 491 manuals. 
We had 41 students in our level 1 class and several that listen in.  They came from 9 counties which represent over 1/2 of the 16 Liberian counties.  We also had students from three countries; Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Liberia.  The students have returned to spread the Gospel as they were taught.  Except for Nigeria, we will also be sending our field leaders to them throughout the year to assist them in producing fruit, to encourage, provide material, and continue to train.
Exciting news!  One of our students comes from an unreached people group of Liberia and is a former Muslim.  He comes from the Vai tribe.  Joshua Project considers the Vai to be an unreached people group.  They are a Muslim mixed with animism stronghold.  He is from Grand Capemont County, a county we have never sent a disciple to.  He is determined to go back to them and share the gospel!!  He and I have agreed that he should stay on our base for at least a month to attend level 4.  While here for the month we will continue to train and prepare him.  We plan on sending a mission team with him when he returns.  
Some of these Bible Institute students were unknown to us having been brought by our Lord.  But most all of these students have come because our field leaders on motorbikes have made an impact on them while visiting their communities.  We have been to 13 of the 16 counties evangelizing, discipling and working towards church plants.
The two pictures below show mission team being prayed over before they leave.  The second picture shows a team leaving in the background with our repairman fixing a bike for another team to be sent out.
Our press shop wall structure should be complete this week.
As I type this report our dental team is preparing to pull their first tooth.  Exciting!!!  Bad teeth bring much pain and even death.  This is a huge blessing for the SE of Liberia where hundreds of thousands have had no access to a dentist.
Pray requests:  We praise God for an anointed Level 1 class.  Pray for our Bible Institute Level 4 class that starts on February 20th, each class lasts 2 weeks.  Praise God our dental clinic is in operation.  Pray that we can start distributing our water filters.  Surely I broke a toe (no X-ray equipment) in a motorbike mishap.  Pray for healing.
·         $825 Missions – includes feeding, compensation, rice for conferences
·         $987 Bikes – includes gas, parts and labor
Printing Press Shop - $30 – for generator fuel, and labor
Humanitarian - $470 – Assisted many with food, rent, clothing and medical care.
Water Filter Distribution - $90 – purchased internet equipment and cost of downloads.
Dental Program - $300 – sent a team of 2 to Monrovia for dental training.
Bible Institute - $1,720 – 41 students attended a 2 week class.
Base expenses
·         $137 Cook labor – we cook for 10-20 every day during construction and up to 80 when our Bible Institute is in session.
·         $186 Security labor – our doors and windows are secure, so thieves cut through our metal roof to enter.  This now requires us to have security at night.
·         $350 - Compensation for 3 staff members
·         $194 base supplies and maintenance
·         $400 house food
Press shop construction – $1,828 – Includes purchasing tools, material, feeding and labor.  The wall structure should be complete this week.
$9,559 – Total