Thursday, December 19, 2013

November '13: "We have seen God's hand in it all"

WOW!  Take time and carefully check out the numbers below.  Much of it is because of our new bikes and plenty of gas.
Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church.  Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church.  We have worked in over 300 villages in 12 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. We made 120 mission trips, visiting 140 villages and other locations and we made many other local mission trips. Some of the towns we were in multiple times. We went into 19 new communities. Our longest mission trip was 3 weeks the shortest a few hours.  Just this month 81 were baptized and 49 completed our extensive Bible study program. Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, availability of money are some.  

Some highlights of the month

A Testimony:  One of our WSL teams went into a new village called Wlagbo.  The people of the region call it Nineveh because it is so evil.  The devil leader has tied and chained Christians and their church buildings get burnt to the ground.  A pastor who went to start a church there was poisoned and died.   When the team arrived it was hard to find a place to sleep because the town’s people were afraid of being punished later.  Our Lord found them a place to stay, they taught for 2 ½ days.  At about 3 AM they would go throughout the village preaching loudly outside the homes so that all would hear the Gospel.  The people were shocked that our team was not harmed as so many in the past had been.  The local demonic leader called the Devil is very powerful and violent.  But this time he was kind and did not disturb the meetings and surprisingly attended them, he even joined in the dancing and singing.  He invited them to return at any time and continue to teach them.  Everyone was shocked.  The team taught on salvation, repentance and false gods.  As the WSL team was leaving the town gave them a greeting to give to us here on base.  It said, “The people of Wlagbo town send their greetings to the people of Wordsower Liberia.  We are kindly asking for the support of Wordsower Liberia, because we are tired of our worldly activities.  We are serving the gods of our forefathers, and worshipping idols.  So we want to serve the living God, because this town’s name has been changed to Nineveh.  You people should come to our aid to feed us with the Word of God.  We will be happy to receive you at any time.  Please remember us and come and feed us with the Word of God.”
Wordsower Bible Institute:  We canceled classes in November because we had to transport our printing press equipment from Monrovia to Zwedru.   
Preparing for the printing presses:  This month we completed our printing press house.  We also built a generator/storage house.  
The printing press equipment weighs over 2 tons and much of it is very fragile.  Christian Aid Ministries was a great help.  They allowed us to ship the equipment in one of their containers, they took it from the port, stored it in their warehouse and allowed to use their men and truck.  The road is terrible.  We brought some of our less fragile equipment on a large commercial flatbed truck.  The paper cutter weighs 1,000 pounds.  Because of the terrible road and the bounce it broke through the pallet it was on, then broke through the bed of the truck and the bed frame and finally rested on the truck frame.  It took us 20 hours to go 300 miles.  I slept 2 hours and then returned back to Monrovia, 15 more hours on that road.  Samaritan’s Purse, a Billy Graham, organization, has an airplane.  They were also very generous to take on the task of flying the presses for free.  We did some dismantling to get them loaded.  It took 10 men and a wench to load it.  We flew two loads in one day.  We thank the family that donated $13,000 for the purchase of the equipment.  So many worked, donated and sacrificed in getting this equipment purchased and transported to Zwedru, Liberia’s interior.  We have seen God’s hand in it all!  The unity of God’s people can move mountains.  We celebrate!  This equipment can provide every literate Liberian with Christian literature and training.  It will also print for Ivory Coast and Serra Leon.  
The Trislers: They are flying over to us in December to show us how to use the equipment.  They also have donated and sacrificed much.  They will spend their Christmas and New Years with us here instead of with their family.   Thank you, Lee and sandy
Writing and Recording:  Jesus once said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matt 9:37, 38).  This verse is abundantly true of Liberia.  The fields are ripe for the harvest but there are only a few workers.  Except for another couple there are no missionaries that we know of in the South East interior of Liberia.  I believe most people are scared to come here because of the hardship and “Black Magic” (witchcraft).  The interior has a history of witchcraft, sacrifices, murder, torture, rape, and cannibalism which scares people away.  Here is the truth, there is nothing to fear!  The fields are ripe for the harvest.  Every day we are surrounded by people who were greatly feared rebel soldiers in the past but are extremely open to the Gospel today.  They desire a different life.  Who will bring in this harvest?  We believe the Liberians must bring in this harvest.  When we enter a town we must be able to reach someone for the Lord, quickly train that person to lead others to Christ, and train Christian leaders from within that town to pastor the community.  In so doing, we have to be able to take someone who knows little or nothing about the Bible and quickly equip them so they can teach the Bible.  We accomplish this through the Bible Institute and on the field training.  We are in the process of writing (for the literate) and recording (for the illiterate) a study through the Book of Romans.  We are writing this study so leaders who have never read Romans will learn the book of Romans so they can teach it to those they are leading.  I am constantly amazed by how fruitful Liberia is.      
Donations may be made online or mailed to:
Wordsower International
16960 Sidney Plattsville Rd                                                                                                                                  
Sidney, Oh 45365
Donations may also be made online by going to our web page:
All donations are tax deductible.  A receipt will be sent at year’s end.  100% of all donations go to the mission for the Liberians and Ivorian refugees.  None is used for me or administration.  If there are any donation questions you may call Tom Looker at 937-489-8090.  

Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,


“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance.  The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”  C. S. Lewis.

Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:

Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbalawin, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Kakpo, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Neinplikpo,  Nyennwlejen, Paul, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Polay, Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saikas, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Swenpon, Tarta, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah.  Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Banana ,Bar, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bellyalla, Bently Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Boe,  Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Brown, Chayee, Chebeh, Chebeor, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Diah, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Doubah, Duo Town, Dweh,  48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbarzon, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe,  Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert,  Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo,  Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu,  Johban, John David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, Ma Esther, Menyeah, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, Pokor, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Tobolee, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Wlagbo, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zuabah, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital.  Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline.  River Gee County:  Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Myoken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Tuaken, Wartiken.  Bomi County:  Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg.  Margibi County: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak, Takata.  Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations.  Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Gougartwo, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo.  River Cess County: Darhga, Gbee.  Grand Kru County: Baclaville City, Baclaville Check Point, Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Company Camp, Doubbo, Gbarken, Iron Bridge,  Kladipah, Leaceco, Solokent, Woelowinken, Wropluken. Bong County: Bucannon.  Grand Bassa County: Baccoline, Goah.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Oct. '13: "The whole bar became a congregation."

This was our busiest month ever thanks to the new bikes and plenty of gas.
Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church.  Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church.  We have worked in over 300 villages in 12 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. We made 143 mission trips, visiting 79 villages and other locations and we made many other local mission trips. Our longest mission trip was 2 weeks the shortest a few hours.  10 attended our 2 week Bible Institute. We printed and distributed approximately 28,000 pages of teaching material (We purchased a new copier for about $2,000).  27 were baptized and 24 completed our extensive Bible study program.  Jesus film was shown 2 times in the local dialect to over 200.  We had 3 1-2 days conferences.  We acquired 3,900 Bibles.  Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.  

Some highlights of the month
Delta 1: as they call him, was also a former commander of the war.  I met him in a bar on a Sunday in the capital city, Monrovia.  The whole bar became a congregation.  All listened to the word of God and prayed for forgiveness.  Many of them are now doing our Bible marking study.  Delta 1, I discovered, is good friends with the other two former commanders that have join us and that I have written about.  He is studying and preparing to come to our Bible Institute.  The army grows!
Wordsower Bible Institute:  The third class of our Bible Institute have completed the course and have been sent out into their communities and the nation.  This class had 10 students. Our next class starts on January 20th.  We will not have classes in November nor December because we will be setting up our printing press shop.
Purchased of another ¼ acre lot: Praise God for more answered prayer!  We had been praying for the ¼ acre lot that borders our existing property.  In the past the owner did not want to sell.  After days of prayer I was preparing to go to him and ask him again.  But, before I could he came to me to ask if we would buy it.  Sold!  We plan on using it for our permanent press house, a storage building, bike shelter, and future expansion of our Bible Institute.  And, maybe to store water well drilling equipment and supplies, read below.  
Preparing for the printing presses:  Our printing press shop is on the boat and should arrive in the port on November 18th.  We are now changing our storage and bike garage into the temporary press house. We need prayer, the equipment weights about 3 tons.  It is too fragile to travel the terrible Liberian road from Monrovia, the capital, to Zwedru.  It will have to be flown in.  Thank our Lord that Samaritan’s Purse, Billy Graham’s organization, has agreed to fly it to us by plane or helicopter at no cost.  But there are issues.  How do you pick it up and get it through the door of a small plane?  We need prayer.  We may need to put it in a net under the helicopter, issues there also.  We need prayer, please pray with us.
Clean Water for all: We are in discussion with two other organizations about forming a partnership, The Last Well and Water of Life.  They are committed to evangelism, church planting and clean water for all in Liberia.  We are praying to see how we could work together.  We may be given the assignment of drilling wells in the South East region, our region, of Liberia. It may be that we will get trucks and all necessary well drilling equipment.  We would put water wells in all the places we have started churches and use it as a tool to enter resistant areas like Muslim communities.  This also would give our missionaries much needed jobs.  During the day they would put in wells, in the evenings establish and strengthen churches. The Last Well’s goal is clean water for all Liberia this decade.  Pray about this with us.  


“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance.  The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”  C. S. Lewis.

Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:

Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Polay, Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah.  Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bellyalla, Bently Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Boe,  Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Diah, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh,  48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe,  Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert,  Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo,  Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu,  Johban, John David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, Ma Esther, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zuabah, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital.  Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline.  River Gee County:  Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Myoken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Tuaken, Wartiken.  Bomi County:  Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg.  Margibi County: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak, Takata.  Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations.  Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo.  River Cess County: Darhga, Gbee.  Grand Kru County: Baclaville City, Baclaville Check Point, Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Company Camp, Doubbo, Gbarken, Iron Bridge,  Kladipah, Leaceco, Solokent, Woelowinken, Wropluken. Bong County: Bucannon.  Grand Bassa County: Baccoline, Goah.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sept. '13: "The class was consumed with passion..."

Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church.  Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church.  We have worked in over 300 villages in 12 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. We made 56 mission trips, visiting 53 villages and other locations and we made many other local mission trips.  We went into 2 new villages.  29 attended our 2 week Bible Institute. We printed and distributed approximately 1,500 pages of teaching material (our printers have been broke down most of the month), 37 were baptized and 18 completed our extensive Bible study program.  Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.  

Some highlights of the month
Wow!  Wow!! Wow!!!  What a blessed month!  The congregation of a church in Indiana donated to us $21,000 for motorbikes, upkeep, and gas.  This month we purchased 10 new motorbikes that cost almost $10,000.  That leaves us with $11,000 which should keep them running and gassed up for a year or more.  One thing that kept us grounded many times was bike and gas issues.  Now we are free, unbound and have left the gates in a great mad gallop to reach Liberia for Christ.  To those who sacrificed for this gift we present to you our tears of gratitude, THANKS!
Wordsower Bible Institute:  The second class of our Bible Institute have completed the course and have been sent out into their communities and the nation.  This class had 29 students from four counties. Our next class starts on Oct 21 and goes until Nov 1.  The class was consumed with passion, (passion is to suffer for a greater cause) and enthusiasm to take what they had learned as disciples to go wherever God leads them to make disciples who will also make disciples.  To go out as missionaries, evangelists and church planters.  An army is being formed, trained, and released.  The goal of a healthy church in every town and village of Liberia in our lifetime will be achieved!  Thank you for your offerings and sacrifice.     
Don and Malaria:  Well, his words were, “I have never been this sick in my life.”  His first case of malaria a while back was buffered by him taking an anti-malarial drug.  This time without the drug he got the full slam of malaria.  He was down for about a week.  At one point he was in critical condition.  That day was a day he will never forget as he laid on his cool concrete bedroom floor in a pool of sweat while having an injection, 3 IV’s, and a load of pills pumped into his body throughout the day.  His blood pressure dropped to 52, his limbs were numb as he fought to remain conscious.  All is well, he is back and says he is about 90% recovered.  Be in prayer for their family, they have four young children with them and all will experience malaria.
Audio Lessons and Print Shop update: Last month we started recording audio Bible lessons for training church leaders. Imagine being in a country where there is no Christian literature.  You just imagined Liberia. The only Christian literature I have seen in Liberia is what we distribute. The audio lessons will be used for the illiterate and the printed lessons will be used for the literate. The print shop we bought last month has been shipped to us. We should receive it sometime in December. We have found a cheap distributer of paper here in Liberia! We will be buying bulk paper for between .006¢ & .007¢ a page! The cost of ink is around $5 per 100,000 black and white pages. Put this all together and it is a powerful tool for the Kingdom!  We believe God is giving us the tools for a church multiplication movement that will spread through Liberia and West Africa.
Prayer requests: We need your prayers.  Prayers for the health and safety or our team.  
Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Aug. '13: "We could not say no to their hunger for truth."

Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church.  Most of the towns and villages of
Liberia have no church.  We have worked in over 300 villages in 12 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. This month we had unusually low donations and had to cancel most all of our out of town mission trips. We made 15 mission trips, visiting 13 villages and other locations and we made many local mission trips.  We went into 2 new counties and 3 new villages.  We printed and distributed approximately 2,000 pages of teaching material, 27 were baptized and 19 completed our extensive Bible
study program.  Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries,
motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.

Some highlights of the month
Bibles: We have acquired 4,500 Bibles this month.  They will last us several months.

The Bible Institute opened: The vision of the Bible Institute is to raise up an army of indigenous
missionaries who will sacrifice their lives to start a disciple making, church planting movement that will
spread across Liberia and West Africa.  Due to the extreme poverty in Liberia, we designed our training to consist of four levels of intense 2 week classes at the Bible Institute and ongoing training on the mission field. We will offer a two week class each month. If we required missionaries to attend the Bible Institute longer than 2 weeks at a time, they would not be able to maintain their small farms to feed their families.  Last month 22 missionaries completed their first level of training at the Bible Institute.  In two weeks we will teach another level one class to a new group.  In Liberia, a little money goes a long way.  We can train missionaries for the cost of a Bible, soup, and rice.

A story about the Bible Institute that illustrates the extreme spiritual hunger that is in Liberia.  Due to an abnormally low month of giving, we gathered our students the week before class started and told them that we may need to postpone the start of the Bible Institute for one month because we didn’t have the money to feed them.  Their response amazed me!  Unanimously they protested, “No! We need to be trained!”  They said, "1Jesus went through 40 days of fasting before He began his ministry, we will simply tighten up our belts, please train us.”  We agreed to open the Bible Institute because we could not say no to their hunger for truth. The Liberians hunger for the Word of God.  Simply Amazing!

Students arrived the first two days of classes expecting to fast but we were able to provide food from our mission’s garden and small farm.  On the third day of class, God provided the funds needed to feed our students for the remainder of our time together.  God is Good!  I have never seen a spiritual harvest like what is here in Liberia.  There are three unreached people groups in Liberia.  I am certain we will be training the missionaries who will bring the gospel to these people groups.  What a privilege we have to get to be involved!  We are truly blessed!

Digging wells in every town we are working in: Last month, our ministry and a ministry called The Last Well met to see how we can best work together for the Kingdom of God.  This is very exciting!  As you may know, unclean water is a serious problem in many communities in Liberia.  The Last Well is a Christian organization that partners with missionaries with the goal of ending dirty water in Liberia within this decade. In the past few years, they have brought clean drinking water to hundreds of thousands of Liberians.  We were excited to meet with them because a number of the communities we are working in get their drinking water from polluted rivers or from swampy like areas.  They were excited to meet with us because they don’t have any missionary partners who focus where we are working, the most remote parts of Liberia.  To make a long story short, they want to work with us and dig a well in every community we are working in and in all the communities we will work in as we spread across Liberia.  We have worked in over 300 communities so this is not a small task.  They are hopeful that we can accomplish this during 2014.  Praise God!  Isn’t it fun serving our King!

We bought a printing shop: Two months ago, we received a large donation to set up a print shop on our base in Zwedru.  Last month we bought the printing equipment from World Missionary Press.  For years, Wordsower has wrestled with printer problems.  Like our motorbikes, our small copiers constantly brake and give us a headache.  When the print shop arrives in December, we will be able to print for the cost of .01¢ a page.  With the printing presses, we are now able to supply the printed material that will support a movement that will spread across Liberia and West Africa!  Praise God.  Once our print shop arrives, we foresee printing 100,000 pages each month.  These lessons will be put in the hands of missionaries who will start churches in every town and village of Liberia.

Audio Lessons in every language of Liberia: In the remote interior villages 80% – 90% of the people
we work with are illiterate.  Some of our most powerful leaders do not know how to read or write.  In addition to our adult literacy program, we will soon begin to record all our lessons in the various language of Liberia.  Last month, we received portable recording equipment that will allow us to go into remote villages and record each of our lessons in the various languages of Liberia.  Though Liberia is one of the poorest countries in the world, many Liberians have a cell phone.  These phones double as a music player.  Also the CD/tape players used here accept the SD cards.  Our vision is to put our recordings on micro SD cards that can be played on their cell phones and CD/tape players.  We believe God will use the printing shop and the recording equipment to reach every Liberian.  

Prayer requests: We see the mighty hand of our Lord blessing us beyond what we have even imagined.  Praise Him!  Our request is that as you remember to pray for WSL that it be a prayer of praise!

Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance.  The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”  C. S. Lewis.

Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:
Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Polay, Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah.  Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bently
Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Boe,  Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh,
Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Diah, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh,  48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe,  Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert,  Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo,
Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu,  Johban, John
David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo,
Ma Esther, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee,
Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah,
Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo
Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp,
Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county
hospital.  Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline.  River Gee County:  Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken
2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Myoken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Tuaken,
Wartiken.  Bomi County:  Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg.  Margibi County: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak, Takata. Maryland
County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken,
Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee
camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic,
Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock,
Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town,
Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations.  Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo.  River Cess County: Darhga, Gbee.  Grand Kru County: Baclaville City, Baclaville Check Point, Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Company Camp, Doubbo, Gbarken, Iron Bridge,  Kladipah, Leaceco, Solokent, Woelowinken, Wropluken. Bong County: Bucannon.  Grand Bassa County: Baccoline, Goah.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July '13: "The harvest is growing.."

Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church.  Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church.  We have worked in over 300 villages in 10 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. This month we made 56 mission trips, visiting 44 villages and other locations and we made many local mission trips.  We went into 8 new villages.  Many of the places we visited multiple times, our longest trip was 14 days, shortest a few hours.  We printed and distributed approximately 5,300 pages of teaching material and distributed hundreds of Bibles, 42 were baptized and 20 completed our extensive Bible study program.  Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.  

Some highlights of the month

Printer: Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! We had a $14,000 donation to purchase our industrial print shop that will print millions of copies.  Enough to reach all of Liberia and Ivory Coast!  Praise God!!!

Short Video: A must see video Don has produced thanking the donor for the Bible Institute construction project :

Accidents: Bikes are dangerous on these trails and dirt/mud roads.  The mud is slick as ice, dust is blinding and the mud holes deep.  One of our men, Sherman, was on the motorbike and hit a car because he was blinded by the dust.  It almost killed him.  The accident stripped all the skin down to the muscle over his arm and shoulder and badly broke his leg.  He lay in the hospital for 4 1/2 months.  He was just released but has much recovery ahead.  The bone in the leg was probably shattered, it has not healed and he cannot walk.  This county has no x-ray machines.  The next county has one but no bone doctors. Now that he is released we will try to get his leg x-rayed. 

Another one of our men, Abednego, just had a motorbike accident and badly broke his foot almost a compound fracture.  Now all hospitals are on strike from not being paid by the government for months.  He is staying with us (currently he is homeless a storm took down his house).  A country “doctor” (a carpenter by trade and has no formal medical education) is manipulating the foot trying to align the bones.  No pain killer!  Imagine the having the bone moved around without pain killer.  Poverty in a third world country is very painful and causes people to be unnecessarily handicapped making strong men, disciples, invalids.  This is a hard sad country.  

Bible Institute:  Praise God all 8 buildings are complete, the project finished!  $17,400 was donated for the project and we spent $17,470.  A few hundred dollars of the construction money was also used to buy 25 mattresses and sheets, 30 heavy duty plastic chairs and 7 benches.  We are blessed, excited and appreciative.  Adult literacy classes are now in session. This weekend we will have our first wedding in it.  On August 18 our first Bible students arrive for their 2 week training.  From this facility missionaries and teachers of adult literacy will spread throughout Liberia and West Africa.
Report from our Branch in Maryland: “We have started doing ministry intensively in Grand Kru County. During July we visited six new towns which include its capital Baclaville City.  The six new places are: Solokent, Baclaville City, Baclaville check point, Iron Bridge a town that really needs a church, the Company Camp, and Kladipah a mining camp that the team walked an hour plus to get to.  Two towns we visited last month in Grand Kru and we went to a second time this month; are Betwan and Douboy.”
Conferences:  We did two 2 day conferences in Sinoe County.  One was for disciples we are training and the other was for church leaders.  Their response a week after we left, “We need 200 more Bibles and send more lessons we are out!”
Pictures:  New pictures are on Don’s web page at  a short video will soon be added also.
Prayer requests: The government is still financially unstable.  The national health care workers have not been paid in months and have gone on strike.  The hospitals and clinics have closed; the seriously sick, injured and dying are being turned away.  Pray for a stable country, a hungry country is an unstable country.  Pray for our injured disciples.  The harvest is growing, the territory is expanding, so pray with us for our lord to recruit more laborers into this harvest field.  
Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance.  The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”  C. S. Lewis.

Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:

Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Polay, Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah.  Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bently Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Boe,  Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Diah, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh,  48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe,  Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert,  Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo,  Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu,  Johban, John David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, Ma Esther, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital.  Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline.  River Gee County:  Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Myoken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Tuaken, Wartiken.  Bomi County:  Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg.  Margibi: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak,Takata. Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations.  Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo.  River Cess: Darhga, Gbee.  Grand Kru: Baclaville City, Baclaville Check Point, Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Company Camp, Doubbo, Gbarken, Iron Bridge,  Kladipah, Leaceco, Solokent, Woelowinken, Wropluken.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

June '13: "I cannot run any longer."

Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church.  Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church.  We have worked in over 300 villages in 10 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. This month we made 48 mission trips, visiting 62 villages and other locations and we made many local mission trips.  We went into 6 new villages.  Many of the places we visited multiple times, our longest trip was 14 days, shortest a few hours.  We printed and distributed approximately 13,200 pages of teaching material and distributed hundreds of Bibles, 33 were baptized and 9 completed our extensive Bible study program.  Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.

Some highlights of the month:

The birth of a Church: (written by Don)
 In Liberia, people are extremely open to Christ but, sadly, they are also open to the Jehovah Witness, Muslims, Mormons, and Demonic worship.  Here is an example: Last month I led a man to Christ named Lasanna.  While discipling Lasanna, Lasanna led Du to Christ. Lasanna, Du, and I began to meet every day for discipleship.  Last week, Du led Joseph to the Lord. Joseph joined our discipleship group.  Two days ago, Joseph led Harry to the Lord!  Those who brought the other to Christ also helped to baptize them.  Here is Harry’s story.  Harry is an artist and a teacher. He is unemployed, homeless, and hungry.  He has been talking to his friends, trying to figure out how to improve his life situation.  His friends encouraged him to go into the bush and give his soul to the Devil. His friend promised him that the Devil would bring wealth.  While contemplating giving his soul to Satan, Harry had two dreams.  In both dreams, God was chasing after him and was calling him to come so that he could minister to a multitude of people.  Each dream ended with Harry choosing to run away from God.  When Joseph presented the Gospel to Harry, Harry remembered his dreams and said, “I cannot escape God.  He has arrested me.  I cannot run any longer.”  He prayed the most beautiful prayer asking God to forgive him for his sins.  Tears were flowing down his face as he gave his life to GOD!  We are now all worshiping together on Sundays and studying scripture on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I believe this is the beginning of a church.  Isn’t God awesome!  The leaders from this church will be people who have recently given their lives to Jesus.  These leaders must be trained and are eager to attend our new Bible Institute.

Bible Institute: Construction is nearly completed on the Bible Institute.  7 of the 8 buildings are getting their final coat of paint.  The 8th building will be completed by the end of July.  We will hold our first classes starting August 18.  To date, we have spent $15,061. We received a $17,400 donation from a church in Indiana to renovate the property.

Education: The CEO of education over Grand Gedeh County says that 80% of the county is illiterate.
Illiteracy creates a breeding ground for false doctrine in the churches!  Pastors can be crooks and get away with it because no one knows how to read God’s Word for themselves.  Here is an example:  Throughout the County of River Gee, there are many churches. But, here is the problem, FALSE  DOCTRINE!  These “churches” preach a combination of Old Testament laws, Prosperity Gospel, and the traditional demonic religion.  They promise people who can’t afford to buy food that if they give them their money, they will be healed and will prosper.  Most of the people in these “churches” have never heard about how they can be salved!  Church leaders have to be raised up to take the true Gospel into each town and village.  Many of these leaders will be trained at the Bible Institute.  The Bible Institute will also train teachers so they can take literacy into every town we are working in.  Currently we are working in 300 locations.

The Don and Melanie Riley family:  The Riley family is adapting.  They are starting to love this place. Check out Riley’s blog page it is

Prayer requests: Christine Medan, the French woman who was with us for two years, is now in France
and moving to Afghanistan this July.  She has been called and resigned by our Lord and has been trained, ordained and sent by WSL.  She needs special prayer.  Imagine going to Afghanistan as a missionary!

Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance.  The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”  C. S. Lewis.

Villages, towns and cities we have been working in: Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Polay, Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah.  Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bently Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Boe,  Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Diah, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh, 48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe,  Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert,  Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo, Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu,  Johban, John David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, Ma Esther, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital.  Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline.  River Gee County:  Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Wartiken.  Bomi County:  Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg.  Margibi: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak,Takata. Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations.  Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo.  River Cess: Darhga, Gbee.  Grand Kru: Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Doubbo, Gbarken, Leaceco, Woelowinken, Wropluken.