Liberia is divided into 15 counties Districts: Liberia's counties are divided into districts. Tribes: There are 15 different people groups that live in Liberia. |
Liberia's CountiesBomiBong Gbarpolu Grand Bassa Grand Cape Mount Grand Gedeh Grand Kru Lofa Margibi Maryland Montserrado Nimba Rivercess River Gee Sino |
County Information: |
Capital City: Robertsport Population: 129,055 accorting to 2008 Census Number of towns and villages: 754 |
District Population: | Tribe Population: | |
Commonwealth: 6,884 Garwula: 29,371 Gola Konneh: 23,930 Porkpa: 40,921 Tewor: 27,949 |
Kpelle: 13% Bassa: 5% Grebo: 0% Mano: 3% Gio: 0% Kru: 1% Lorma: 2% Krahn: 0% Vai: 51% Gola: 8% Kissi: 4% Gbandi: 2% Mandingo: 2% Sarpo: 0% Belle: 0% Other: 9% |
Our Ministry in County: |
We have no church planting bases working in this area yet (Last updated Aug 2014) |