Monday, March 15, 2021

February 2021 End of Month Report

Liberia and Ivory Coast

2 – Countries: Liberia and Ivory Coast

4 – Bases: Ivory Coast; Grand Gedeh County, Liberia; Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia; and Lofa County, Liberia

14 - Total counties we ministered in

214 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities/churches we ministered in 

125 - Total mission trips 

20 - Persons were baptized

39 - Attended the WBI 2 weeks school in Zwedru.

286 - Attended our 2 day and 1day workshops in 6 locations.

2,423 - Viewed the Jesus Film, 15 locations, 20 times shown.

3 - Community Radio stations that we broadcast the gospel of our Lord

22 - Dental patients, 36 teeth pulled

17 - Optical patients, 16 pair glasses distributed, 3 patients were referred.

70,200 - Pages printed, 450 manuals made at our press shop

The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad.  Only in the unity of us all can the above be a reality and even increase. We have spread across Liberia and are in the neighboring countries where we train, disciple and church plant.  We use many different weapons as we advance the Kingdom of God within the strongholds of Satan. 

Birthing churches:

Goals that we see being accomplished are disciples making disciples and churches starting churches.  The below pictures are an example of the fruit of our labors.  This church, under the trees, is being started by a pastor/disciple that we trained.  The Lamb of God should show up at every service and surely, He was at this one.  But, amazingly, in the middle of our service and worship another lamb showed up, passively entering the circle, joining us, calmly remaining.  This is unlike a lamb!  They are skittish and will never go near people, especially among strangers or a noisy circled crowd.  Notice the lamb next to the man drumming on a barrel drum while we were enthusiastically singing!  I see it as a confirmation of the pleasure of our Lord!  A donation was made for the construction of their worship center.  As you see from the pictures below, new churches are not always easy to get to.

The next day I had the joy of meeting with another such church birth.  The church is small.  The pastor has also been trained in our Bible Institute.  Instead of building a sanctuary, they built a low budget school building for the poor who are not able to attend school.  The building is also being used for worship.  Even before they have built their sanctuary, they have two disciples that have been sent into a new area to start a fellowship and are training to send others.  Reminds me of Paul, “He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” Acts 19:9-10.  They, like Paul, are meeting in a school building, and are raising up and sending disciples out to the lost!  The vison and goals of most churches are a building, possessions and large congregation.  Christ’s vision for His Church is to raise up and send disciples to the lost of the world.  


“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do.” Ps 11:3.  We have assisted in 9 weddings in the last couple months.  The 15-year war destroyed this nation in many ways.  Cultures were severely damaged, families separated and often it was not even known who survived.  The foundations have been destroyed.  Many came together not able to follow the culture of weddings because the families were separated and their whereabouts unknown.  We have been requiring and assisting spiritual leaders to be properly married and assisting all others to get their lives in order also.  The below video is a compilation of several weddings that may have never occurred without our insistence and assistance.  These cultural weddings are different and, as all should be, are filled with joy and celebration.  The below video is 2 ½ minutes long.


We now have the roof completed on our new resident building.  We hope to have it finished in less than 2 months.  It will be used by our Bible Institute students and as a “boot camp”, “confirming the call” of Americans feeling the call to become missionaries.  Those feeling called will stay with us 7-12 months to work with us and be trained as missionaries.  The below video is 2 ½ minutes long.

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

  • Praise:  As we walk in faith, sacrifice and obedience with the Lord, He is blessing us.  We continue to see confirmations and the growth of our Lord’s kingdom!
  • Praise:  Our new Liberian base will be in full operation next month.  Their focus is the Mende and Bandi unreached tribes.  We will now have an indigenous missionary team living among and ministering in every unreached tribe of Liberia!!!
  • Pray: For increased donations.  We have indigenous missionary teams ready to go to unreached tribes in Guinea and Sierra Leone
  • Pray:  Please pray for our safety as we continue to boldly and fearlessly march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
  • Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord's message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. 2 Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.


100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Click here to donate online

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:          
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417

Financial Report for February:

Summary of expenses:
$1,180 - Staff support for 8 employees
$577 - Assistance to the poor includes rent, medicine, water pump parts etc.
$659 - Radio Ministry
$474 - Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance   
$3,484 - Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,729 – Level 2, 2-week Bible Institute class in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County
$1,600 - Capemont Missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes  
$1,400 - Lofa County missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$2,000 – Ivory Coast mission team
$632 - Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$1,029 - Gas for bikes and generators 
$80 - Adult Literacy
$2,500 – Main base construction for additional housing
$29 – Optical department
$211 - Dental department
$559 – Printing department
$33 – Video department
Total - $18,176