36 were baptized this month!
In September, we went on 21 mission trips in 2 countries – Liberia and Ivory Coast.
- 53 towns were ministered to in 9 counties of Liberia
- 19 towns attended our workshops in Liberia
- 6 towns we ministered to in 2 counties of Ivory Coast
25 attended our Wordsower Bible Institute 2-week, level 2 French class. The Bible Institute trains the students in Bible doctrine, discipleship, pastoral training and becoming missionaries. This class was for Ivorian’s. Most of these students came from the refugee camp, some came from Ivory Coast.
We have an hour radio broadcast every day. The broadcast presents the Gospel and teaches scripture.
Our printing press team printed 15,900 pages of teaching material and made 30 manuals.
Our dentist treated 14 patients and extracted 17 teeth. We have the only dentist in 5 counties.
We have distributed hundreds of thousands of bibles in over 1,000 villages. For those who are illiterate we have given away many audio Bibles on small memory chips, in their dialects, that can be used in phones and music players.
Praise God!
We have received donations to purchase 11 new motorbikes. Our old ones are junk. They cause body damaging accidents and are constantly breaking down. We are dancing, praising and celebrating!!!
Capemont County Missionary team assessment:
Our indigenous missionary team has returned from their assessment. The road was bad and caused much hardship and suffering. Below are road pictures that our teams must endure:
The mission of WSL is for every village of Liberia to have a healthy church. In Liberia, there are a half million people in 5 unreached Muslim tribes. We must go to them!!! We have learned that to be accepted into an unreached resistant tribe we must, “Give them what they want so that we can give them what they need.”
In their region, there are no primary schools. The children, and a large percentage of the adults, are unschooled and illiterate. The tribal chieftains of these tribes have warmly welcomed us because we come to restart an abandoned school. The team visited 16 villages. In these villages, they announced their coming and the reopening of the school. 100% of all the people from these tribes welcomed them with great enthusiasm even knowing that the school will be a Christian school and will be teaching the Bible.
The assessment of the team revealed:
- Minor repairs to the school building are needed
- Renovation of the current chicken coop into the missionary team’s residence
- A motorbike for the team
- A toilet for the school and team
- A copier, text books, notebooks, chalk, pens, etc.
- The team feels called. They feel this is the place they should establish their missionary base.
- Every village greeted them and received them with enthusiasm.
- Their location is a great location for evangelizing the Via and Gola. Also, the Muslims in the Kpelle tribe.
- There are over a 1,000 kids that would want to attend the school. The school may hold 100.
- The classrooms are narrow and small.
- The desks are not correct for the children. The students must stand to write.
The Filter Team continues to go:
Our team completed the distribution of water filter systems in our county, Grand Gedeh. They distributed the filters into 1,659 homes for about 8,000 – 10,000 residents. The Government of Liberia sent a letter stating that now in our county every resident has access to clean drinking water. They now have either a water well with hand pump or a home water filter system.
In conjunction with The Last Well, we are now going to a new county to distribute filters. Our team will go to Maryland County. The distance is far so they will live there.
A Testimony:
Prince Kegbeh is my neighbor. He was a major drug dealer and his home was becoming a significant drug house. His supply came from Nigeria. I got involved in his life, became a friend and shared the gospel with him. He now believes, has been baptized, discipled and attended our Bible Institute. For over a year he has been taking me to his former customers and other drug houses. There we have been evangelizing and discipling.
Recently he has been going to two villages, Pineapple and Gbarwo. (Our trained leader, Patrick, and church planter of Pineapple Village was murdered a few months ago by poison.)
Prince is now the spiritual leader of these villages and last week baptized 3 on his own! Disciples making disciples is the strategy of Christ for reaching the world.
Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
- Praise God, for our 11 new motorbikes!
- Pray for our filter team as they go to Maryland County to distribute filters
- Pray for our Missionary team as they prepare to go to the Vai and Gola tribes
- I must return to Monrovia to get visas for Ivory Coast and Nigeria and get additional supplies for our base. Pray that I will be able to get these visas.
- Our Lord says to pray for more harvesters to be sent into the field. Prince, a harvester, is an answer to our prayers. Pray for more. Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few.
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
Please send donations to:
Wordsower International
16960 Sidney-Plattsville Rd
Financial Report
Summary of expenses:
$905 - Staff support for 7 employees
$185.77 - Assistance to the poor
$318.33 - Radio Ministry
$80 – literacy Ministry. 4 classes of students meet each week.
$554.94 - Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance
$975.69 – Missions
$400 – Missionary team spying out the land for a future mission base
$124.50 – Printing press supplies and labor
$634.07 - Gas for bikes and generators
$585.35 - Bike repair
$1,171.45 - Wordsower Bible Institute. Food, housing, training material, transportation and teacher pay for 25 students for 2 weeks
$170.44 – Toilet construction
$100 - Bank to bank money transfer fees. Liberian banks charge transfer fees when we send money.
Total $6,205.54