Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Hello team,

Merry Christmas!  Not going to be a white Christmas here for sure. Missing the cold and snow.

In the middle of November we had a team come from Valley Bible Church in California.  They brought us evangelistic literacy material for the villages of the resistance Muslim unreached tribes.  This is a report of what our indigenous missionary team has done with the material:

40 students in Wacco village
45 students in Gbarnga village
35 students in Falice village
35 students in Nagbena village
30 students in Wangekor village
30 students in Kpenegee village
30 students Kohima Fanullah village

That is a total of 7 villages and 245 students!!! Every teaching session the students will also hear Bible stories and the truth of who Jesus Christ is.

Word has gotten out about what we are doing in these 7 villages and it has created a wonderful problem.  There are now many villages in this region begging us to come to them!!!  These villages are from the Vai, Gola and Mende unreached Muslim tribes that had rejected us in the past. 

In January we will be printing many more literacy manuals and train several more of our new disciples on how to teach literacy to these villages. 

I’m reminded of the verse in 2 Chronicles 12:32, “Men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”  Our duty is to show up in obedience, watch and listen to the Holy Spirit.  He reveals and gives understanding as to what we should do.  Paul did that on his missionary journey to Athens.  He showed up, looked around and allowed our Lord to give him understanding of the times.  It says in Acts 17:23 that as he was walking around in their city, he saw their objects of worship and an altar to an unknown god.  He used this knowledge, acquired by just showing up, to share the gospel of our Lord with this unreached people group. “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7.  Praise God, our Sovereign Lord has revealed to us His plan to reach these tribes.

In West Africa there are 393 unreached tribes of 147 million people.  Liberia has 5 unreached tribes.  We have an indigenous missionary team working in 3 of them.  Next year, Lord willing, if funds are available, we will put two more indigenous missionary teams in the other 2 unreached tribes. Only about 5 cents out of every $100 given for missions is for reaching the unreached tribes.

Below is a link of our video of a Muslim man being baptized.  You can also see past videos by searching Wordsower Africa on YouTube.

Please remember to keep us in prayer. 

Click here to donate online

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:                   
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

Friday, December 13, 2019

November 2019 End of Month Report

Liberia and Ivory Coast reports united:
  • 2 - Countries
  • 10 - Total counties we ministered in 
  • 122 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in 
  • 103 - Total mission trips
  • 10 - Total baptized  
  • 23 - Completed the Bible Marking program
  • 273 - Attended our 2 day trainings in 8 locations
  • 66 - Attended our 1 day trainings in 2 locations
  • 21 - Dental patients, 28 teeth pulled
  • 7 - Optical patients, 7 glasses distributed
  • 28 - Wordsower Bible School attendance.  This is a 2 week class on our base.
  • 375 - Families either received a water filter system or were checked on with a follow-up visit
  • 2,140 - Viewed the Jesus film shown in 17 locations
  • 180 - Adult Literacy students in training
  • 97,800 - Pages printed on our printing press
The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad. Only in the unity of us all can the above be a reality and increase.

We were blessed to have a short term mission team of 7 from Valley Bible Church in Hercules California join us.  They were with us 10 days while spending 4 days in air transport.

We are at war against the kingdom of Satan and his lies.  One of his most powerful strongholds is the Islamic kingdom.  In Liberia we have 5 unreached, resistant Muslim tribes.  It takes a variety of weapons to win a war.  The Valley Bible short term team brought us and taught us how to use a new powerful weapon; evangelical literacy.  The villages of these resistant tribes did not want us to enter.  They did not want Christians to come and evangelize.  But our Lord showed us the secret that would cause them not only to invite us in, but to also beg us to come - literacy training.  The team brought many manuals of different levels of literacy training material that is evangelistic.  They trained our indigenous missionary team how to teach the material.  Then we all went to several villages of these Muslim tribes, introduced the material, evangelized, and showed the Jesus Film.  Every Muslim village and town we went to agreed to have us start the literacy training with them knowing that we would also teach about Jesus and the Bible.  We now have 180 students from several of these Muslim villages being taught in literacy and they are hearing the truth of Jesus instead of the lie they have been taught.

Christ taught us to give the people what they wanted and needed. He did this through miracles, showing love, while telling them about His Kingdom and His gospel.  The desires of our youth was soccer and kickball uniforms, balls, and equipment.  The Valley team brought a massive amount of what the youth desired.  We now have two soccer teams with equipment and a girls kickball team is forming with anticipation of also receiving uniforms.  The Valley Bible team also brought money to fix four broken water well pumps for two towns.  One town had only three pumps, of which all were broken, forcing them to drink dirty water from the creek.  The second smaller town had its only water pump broken also.  Because of the team’s donation, approximately 800 people are drinking clean water again.  The Valley Bible short term team also ministered in the Ivorian refugee camp, the prison, several villages deep in the rain forest, and taught in our Wordsower Bible Institute.

Teams, families, and individuals are invited to visit.  Many have come in the past from the ages of 20 to 70.  Some have come for days, weeks, months, a year, and for years.  Children have come with their parents. There are already teams and individuals are planning to come next year.  Pray and see if our Lord would have you come.  My contact information is below; you are all invited.  Those who feel called to missions can come and confirm your call. Those who are retired can come to use your skills and wisdom. Stay for days or indefinitely.

Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few.  Liberia is one of the most fruitful places on earth.  Here people beg to be discipled and to have churches started in their churchless villages and towns.  In addition, Liberia has resistant, unreached Muslim tribes needing Christ and salvation.  You are welcome, invited, desired, and needed.  Come and participate. “Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ” (1 Cor 10:16)?  As Our Lord Jesus suffered, bled, and died for the lost and His body, the church, we also are told to participate in the sacrifice; to be a living sacrifice.  Satan’s lie that he desires for you to believe is that you have nothing to offer.  Do you have Christ?  Well, you have Christ to offer.  Come. Show up. We will train you and He will use you to present Him.

Below are some pictures and videos of the Valley Bible Church team.



Participate with us in Praise and prayer:

  • Praise: We are now in several resistant, unreached Muslim villages teaching literacy, Jesus, and the Bible!
  • Praise: We have 180 students from these villages learning how to read and learning about Jesus!
  • Prayer: Please pray for the financial crisis in Liberia.  Banks have run out of money.  Confusion, stress, suffering, and poverty is rapidly increasing because of this new current crisis.
  • Prayer: Please pray that we will continue to boldly and fearlessly march into the strongholds of Satan to  “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
  • Pray: For increased donations.  We have an indigenous missionary team ministering to 3 of the unreached tribes of Liberia.  We have 2 more tribes that need indigenous teams to go to these tribes.

100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Online Donations:
  1. Click on the link: https://woodsidebible.onlinegiving.org/donate/form/523#/ 
  2. In the middle of the page you will see “India Children at risk” and a down arrow.  Click on the down arrow
  3. Choose Wordsower Africa
  4. Enter information requested
Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:                    
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at kimlogansmith1957@gmail.com  I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417

Financial Report for November:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$500 - Assistance to the poor
$221 - Radio Ministry
$721 - Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
$1,652 - Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,192 - Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$984 - Wordsower Bible Institute we had 28 attend our two-week class on our base.
$1,700 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$58 - Printing press supplies and labor
$1,085 - Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$1,017 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 - Adult Literacy
$1,900 - Wordsower Ivory Coast base
Total $11,865

Friday, November 15, 2019

October 2019 End of Month Report

Our Weapons used in October:

  • 2 – Countries: Ivory Coast and Liberia
  • 118 - Total villages/towns/cities we ministered in
  • 86 - Total mission trips
  • 64 - Total baptized
  • 41 – Completed our extensive Bible Marking scripture training program
  • 54 – Attended our 2 week Wordsower Bible Institute
  • 598– Attended our 2 day workshops in 12 locations
  • 16 – Dental patients, 34 teeth pulled
  • 367– Families either received a water filter system or were checked on with a follow-up visit
  • 2 – Showings of the Jesus Film to hundreds

The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad.
Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” (Jn 5:17).  “The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” (Jn 14:10). “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.” (Jn 5:19-20).

The truth we receive from the above verses are that our Father is always working and He expects us always to be working. That He will reveal to us the work that He is doing so that we will be able to be fruitful by joining him in His work. We must be dependent, listening and observing, seeking to discover how He is working so that we can participate along side Him. Finally, it is our Father in heaven that gets all the Glory. His command throughout scripture is that we are to spread His Gospel, the knowledge of Him, to every nation, language and tribe.  He is with us, goes before us and prepares us to do His work, His way.  64 baptisms in the month of October is confirmation that we are participating alongside Him doing His work. Our Lord receives the Glory!!!   
I’m reminded of the times in the Old Testament when He would give the Israeli army battle instructions.  Almost never did He give the same instructions twice when leading the people into battle.  Today, it is much the same.  We must show up for the battle and wait for specific onsite instructions, not living in the past.  This forces us to be humble and to seek Him in every battle. 
Our indigenous missionary team in Grand Capemont County, that works with 3 unreached tribes, is also seeing the confirmation of their participation in unity with the plans of our Lord.  In Failey Town, made up mostly of the unreached Muslim Vai Tribe they had a 3-day training.  They did not expect many to attend so they brought enough rice for 50 meals.  To their surprise 36 showed and they ate most of the rice.  When the day was over they had enough rice to feed less than 20.  On the second day of the conference there were 62 plus many children.  Those who attended the day before went out proclaiming what they had learned! There was enough rice to feed less than 20 yet over 70 expected to eat.  They prayed and served the rice.  All ate their fill and much was left over.  It was a miracle of feeding the crowd that brought amazement to all.  During the second day, there was a very real spiritual warfare.  A snake entered the building, which is a symbol of Witchcraft and the Satanic to the people.  Many were frightened by the omen.  The head was cut off and the snake put on a rock.  When they returned to take pictures, it had disappeared.  This brought additional awe and wonder.  Often when entering a stronghold, a demonstration of God’s power is observed.  On the third day when baptism was offered, 5 agreed to be baptized.  Many came to watch, the Spirit of our Lord moved and 15 had been baptized before the creek-side service was over.  Most were former Muslims!!!

I, Kim Smith, arrived back in Liberia on the 24th.  The first item on my agenda was to purchase two new motorbikes for Grand Capemont missionary team. We now have 3 motorbikes for the team. Then I purchased paper for our printing press, Bibles and reference books for our book store and supplies for our Bible Institute. The supplies had to be flown to our Zwedru base because our dirt road is impassible due to heavy rains.

We have started a Wordsower Africa YouTube channel that will have all our videos on it, Google it.  This is something new that is developing.

Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
  • Praise: 64 were baptized in October
  • Praise: It is being confirmed that we are united with our Lord, included and participating in His plans!
  • We are forcefully advancing into one of the most powerful strongholds of Satan.  Pray that we will see and resist his attacks. 
  • Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous harvesters and that our Lord would send more Western missionaries.
Our growth here has increased and we are prepared for much greater growth. But, the available finances are not allowing us to send our prepared indigenous teams into the unreached tribes. Pray that we will receive an increase in donations.   

100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Online Donations:
  1. Click on the link: https://woodsidebible.onlinegiving.org/donate/form/523#/ 
  2. In the middle of the page you will see “India Children at risk” and a down arrow.  Click on the down arrow
  3. Choose Wordsower Africa
  4. Enter information requested
Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:                    
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then email me at kimlogansmith1957@gmail.com

Financial Report for September:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$356 - Assistance to the poor           
$708 - Radio Ministry    
$717 - Base Expenses.  Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
$1,043 – Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,374 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$2,715 – Wordsower Bible Institute we had 54 attend our two-week class on our base.  We had two classes in October.
$1,650 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$2,020 – Two new motorbikes for the Grand Capemont missionary team
$50 – Printing press supplies and labor
$1,020 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$988 - Gas for bikes and generators
$100 – Adult Literacy
$1,900 – Wordsower Ivory Coast base
Total $15,396

Thursday, October 17, 2019

September 2019 End of Month Report

Our Weapons used in September:

  • 2 – Countries: Ivory Coast and Liberia
  • 72 - Total villages/towns/cities we ministered in
  • 56 - Total mission trips
  • 12 - Total baptized
  • 116– Attended our 2 day workshops in 3 locations
  • 114 – Attended our 1 week training. There were 3 trainings in 3 counties
  • 12 – Dental patients, 15 teeth pulled
  • 313– Families either received a water filter system or were checked on with a follow-up visit

The month of September I, Kim, have been in the United States.  I turned 62 and have been dealing with receiving Social Security.  While here my 87-year-old mother fell, and broke her arm. She was taken to the hospital and admitted with the expectation that she would be released in a couple days.  It was discovered that she also had serious bowel problems that required surgery.  She never recovered after the surgery and died.  A complete surprise to us all.  Her last year of life she was active in the church and was a volunteer at a food pantry. Also, she was an evangelist and exhorter.  Led several to Christ, got them into church and encouraged them to be baptized.  At her funeral on Friday, a woman approached me, Donna, and said that my mother, while in the hospital, had her promise that I would baptize her.  But I was scheduled the next coming Sunday to be at a different church.  Our Lord reminded me of the parable of the Good Samaritan.  In the parable two spiritual leaders were too busy with their schedules to see what our Lord would have them to do.  So, I baptized Donna.  Our legacy is not in possessions or money but in the lives we touch.  My mother touched many, producing much fruit that will last, last throughout eternity.  She has inspired me and many others.  Much of who I am is a reflection of my mother. 

Our Lord orchestrates. I learned long ago to just show up in obedience, look around and discover the plans of our Lord. A few days before I came to the USA, I was in an unreached resistant Muslim village.  They had been telling our Indigenous missionary team that they were not welcome in their village because they did not want Christians.  Almost every one of the villages in this region of 3 unreached Muslim tribes said the same thing.  But, our Lord showed us His plans, the key that would open every one of these villages.  Now every one of these villages that said “no”, emphatically say “yes”.  The key is literacy they beg to know how to read and write English, the national language.  They beg, they say we will listen to you about Jesus and the Bible if you teach us “book”.  Weeks before a woman, Ana, from Woodside Bible Church in Michigan found and sent me digital material on evangelistic literacy.  A team of 7, from Valley Bible Church in California, is coming the first week of November.  They have agreed to learn the material, print hundreds of literacy manuals, train our indigenous missionary leaders how to teach the material and then to go into these villages to present the literacy training manuals.  By showing up and listening to the people and our Holy Spirit these ancient, resistant, unreached, Muslim villages have lost their resistance!!! To top it off we only had one motorbike for our missionary team of 4.  While here, in the USA, two have given $1,000 each to purchase two more motorbikes for our team.  Now we can be in 3 villages a day with 3 teams 6 days a week.  That’s over 50 visits to unreached Muslim villages a week who will hear the gospel of Christ that brings salvation!!!  

I want us to take a short walk through Isaiah to know the heart and plans of our Lord and to know that we are called to participate in accomplishing his plans.  “I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” Isa 49:6. And, He says, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” Isa 12:4.  Our Lord’s plan is that all the nations will know and praise Him.  He says in Isa 43:21, “The people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.”  We, His people, His Church were formed to proclaim His praise to all the nations. His plan is that He will go before us, teach us and direct our paths.  “I will go before you and will level the mountains” Isa 45:2.  “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”  Isa 48:17.  We are to go without fear, in faith, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isa 41:10.  Finally, we go in confidence, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.” Isa 14:24.  “For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Isa 14:27.  “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please… What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.” Isa 46:10-11.

The two above testimonies teach us to keep our spiritual eyes open, listen to our Holy Spirit and be willing to change our schedules. Whether it is an 87-year-old woman in a four-wheeled walker, individuals from churches spread out over America uniting to reach the unreached in West Africa, or an indigenous missionary team in Africa, our Lord orchestrates.

Pray and participate with us as we go into these resistant, unreached Muslim tribes of West Africa. We now have a fruitful indigenous missionary team reaching 3 of these tribes in Liberia.  There are two other unreached tribes that we need to go to.  We have the teams ready but not the support.  We also have a team in Ivory Coast, a neighboring country, with the mission to go to the 36 unreached tribes of 7 million.  The command of our Lord is that we, His Church, would go to them.  None of us that are His are exempt from participation.  He has His plan established all we have to do is show up in obedience.  If His obedient show up they will walk into a people prepared by our Lord and a harvest will be come.  

Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
  • Praise: My mother is dancing with His saints in heaven!
  • Praise: Our Lord has revealed the key for us to be invited into resistant unreached Muslim tribes in Liberia!
  • Pray: As I return to Liberia on October 22, pray that our Lord will continue to use me in His plans for a great harvest.
  • Pray: Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous harvesters and that our Lord would send more Western missionaries.
  • Pray: With us, our growth here has increased and we are prepared for much greater growth. But, the available finances are not allowing us to send our prepared indigenous teams into the unreached tribes. Pray that we will receive an increase in donations.   
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Online Donations:
1. Click on the link: https://woodsidebible.onlinegiving.org/donate/form/523#/ 
2. In the middle of the page you will see “India Children at risk” and a down arrow.  Click on the down arrow
3. Choose Wordsower Africa
4. Enter information requested

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:                    
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085
If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then email me at kimlogansmith1957@gmail.com

Financial Report for September:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$363 - Assistance to the poor         
$560 - Radio Ministry   
$672 - Base Expenses.  Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
$450 – Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,148 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$2,114 – Wordsower Bible Institute we had 75 attend our two-week class on our base
$647 – Wordsower Bible Institute one week class in Margibi County
$995 – Wordsower Bible Institute one week class in Grand Cape Mount County
$755 – Wordsower Bible Institute one week class in Nimba County
$1,567 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$15 – Printing press supplies and labor
$794 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$931 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 – Adult Literacy
$1,968 – Wordsower Ivory Coast base

Total $13,814

Thursday, September 12, 2019

August 2019 End of Month Report

Our Weapons used in August:

  • 2 – Countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast
  • 8 - Counties we ministered in 
  • 107 - Villages/towns/cities we ministered in
  • 78 - Mission trips
  • 40 – Baptized
  • 22 - Completed the Bible Marking discipling training 
  • 28 – Attended our 1 week Wordsower Bible institute
  • 75 – Attended our 2 week Wordsower Bible Institute
  • 614 – Attended our 2 day workshops in 3 locations
  • 23 – Dental patients, 37 teeth pulled
  • 377 – Families either received a water filter system or had a follow-up visit
  • 9 – Times the Jesus film was shown to approximately 1,000 people 
  • Hundreds of thousands of Bibles have been distributed in over 1,000 villages. For those who are illiterate we have given away many audio Bibles on small memory SD chips, in their dialects, that can be used in phones and music players.

I, Kim Smith, returned to the United States on August 22 to apply for my Social Security retirement.  I return to Liberia on October 22.  A few days before coming I was on our indigenous missionary base.  We call it the Capemont Base.  It is in Grand Capemont County and mostly populated by three resistant unreached Muslim tribes.  According to “The Joshua Project” statistics, The Vai tribe, of 138,000 people, are 0.23% evangelical Christian, the Gola tribe, of 170,000 people, are 0.82% evangelical Christian, and the Mende tribe, of 2.4 million people, are 1% evangelical Christian. 
Our team has been there for about a year.  They have been going from village to village. Some of the villages will allow Christians to be in their town but most do not.  We will evangelize, disciple and form Bible study groups in the villages we are allowed to enter.  Most villages have a mixture of the tribes.  Many times, when we enter a town and introduce ourselves, the town elders will tell us that we are not welcome and to leave because they do not want Christians in their town.  Often, our team will return to the same town and receive the same response.  They are resistant.  The question has been how do we get in?  Well our Lord has shown us the key!  We have learned to, “Give them what they want so we can give them what they need.”  Every resistant Muslim town that we have gone to has said, “No, no, no” multiple times. But, if we enter with the right “key” the answer is always, “YES, we beg you to come!”, even when they know we will teach from the Bible. The discovered key is adult literacy training.  Most of the adults do not know how to read and most of the children have not attended school.  

A couple days before returning to the US, I was in one of these resistance Muslim villages that has said no several times.  It was remote and had about 30 houses.  We were 3 on the bike.  Upon entering, there was a cry made for all to come to the “palava hut”, which is an open walled shelter where the towns people meet.  Most were on their farms, but there were a few elders and about a dozen others.  Very few if any white people have ever visited them so everyone was curious.  After our introduction, I talked to them about their needs and what we offer.  We provide clean water, dentists, optical, literacy and would also share with them about Jesus Christ and the Bible.  Everyone listened intently with enthusiasm.  The unanimous decision was to come, assist and teach them!!  Every one of these formerly closed resistant villages have invited us in.   I learned long ago to just show up.  Our Lord already has the plan and people prepared.
As birth in the natural is messy, so it is in the spiritual.  Our Capemont missionary team has been working in the adjacent village of Wacco.  In that village, mixed with Christians and Muslims, many have become Christian, have been baptized and are being discipled.  Long before Christianity or Islam entered the country the people were Animistic.  Animists are led by demonic, wicked and violent spiritual leaders.   One of their ritualistic practices is to gather the females, 13-25 years old, and take them into the forest for a month.  They will be indoctrinated into the religion.  The training includes multiple rapes, vaginal circumcision, hunger, sleeping on the ground, scaring of the body and being tied to trees.  It is not unusual for the resistant and weak to never return.

A couple days before I arrived women had been taken for the indoctrination.  Two of the women we have been discipling, one was about 15 the other had a young baby, escaped and ran to our mission.  The others, that did not escape, were paraded through the village and taken into the forest.  That night a group came onto our base to forcefully extract the two women.  Our team confronted them so they left.  What a heartbreak.  Some of the females taken were those we were discipling.  And, to our shock and shame some of the men doing this were also those we had been discipling and who have claimed to be Christian.   In our love of those taken and of those who took them we deeply grieve.  We boldly and fearlessly advance.  The battle is real and our enemy is evil beyond understanding.  

The 5 unreached tribes of Liberia.  We are working with 3 of the unreached tribes.  There are 2 more we need to send teams to in Liberia, the Mandingo tribe, of 101,000 people, is 0.03% evangelical Christian and the Maninka tribe, of 49,000 people, is 0.01% evangelical Christian. Look at those numbers!!!  Looks like a challenge.  Our Lord has commanded us to bring His Gospel into all the tribes.  For sure, I know that if His obedient show up they will walk into a people prepared by our Lord and a harvest will be taken in.  Let us, united, participate in this great opportunity!  We have indigenous teams trained and ready to go but are waiting for financial support.

Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
  • Praise, our 2-week Bible class was overflowing. We had 75 students from 4 counties!
  • Praise, our new base in Ivory Coast is operational. The team has moved onto the base and started doing missions.
  • I will be in US August 22 – October 22. Time will be spent with family, friends and supporters. Pray that our Lord will orchestrate meetings where our vision and desire to expand will be heard.
  • Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous harvesters. Pray that our Lord would send more Western missionaries.
  • Please pray with us, our growth here has increased and we are prepared for much greater growth. But, the available finances are not allowing us to send our prepared indigenous teams into the unreached tribes. Pray that we will receive an increase in donations.   
  • Pray for the safety of our teams. There are many dangers lurking.

100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Online Donations:
1. Click on the link: https://woodsidebible.onlinegiving.org/donate/form/523#/ 
2. In the middle of the page you will see “India Children at risk” and a down arrow.  Click on the down arrow
3. Choose Wordsower Africa
4. Enter information requested

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:                    
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085
If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then email me at kimlogansmith1957@gmail.com

Financial Report for August:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$309 - Assistance to the poor           
$460 - Radio Ministry    
$751 - Base Expenses.  Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
$1,106 – Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,158 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$2,114 – Wordsower Bible Institute we had 75 attend our two-week class on our base
$750 – Wordsower Bible Institute one week class in Grand Kru County 
$1,525 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$102 – Printing press supplies and labor
$667 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$1,052 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 – Adult Literacy
$1,968 – Wordsower Ivory Coast base
Total $12,797

Sunday, August 11, 2019

July 2019 End of Month Report

Our Weapons used in July:

  • 2 – Countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast
  • 6 - Total counties we ministered in 
  • 100 - Total villages/towns/cities we ministered in
  • 74 - Total mission trips
  • 28 - Total baptized
  • 6 - Completed the Bible Marking
  • 55 – Attended our 2 day workshops in 3 locations
  • 31 – Dental patients, 56 teeth pulled
  • 51 – Optical patients, 49 glasses distributed
  • 394 – Families either received a water filter system or had a follow-up visit
  • 1,500 – Viewed the Jesus film shown in 12 locations
  • 44,000 – Pages printed on our printing press

Hundreds of thousands of bibles have been distributed in over 1,000 villages. For those who are illiterate we have given away many audio Bibles on small memory SD chips, in their dialects, that can be used in phones and music players.

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.” Rom 15:5

In the Lord’s work, we do not seek our glory. We seek the spread of His Glory to every tribe, nation and people group that all may have the opportunity to know Him. Wordsower Liberia unites with you and other ministries that His Glory will spread.

Missionary Aviation Fellowship is one that we partner with. They have flown US visitors, our staff, medical patients, barrels shipped from the USA, press parts, generators, items large, small and fragile. The minimal cost to us is far below their operating expenses. Below is a video they produced about our partnership

World Missionary Press sends tracts and Bibles, by the millions, all over the world. For many years, they have supplied us with thousands upon thousands of Bibles and tracts at no charge! Just recently they shipped us thousands of French pocket Bibles. They shipped them from their factory in Indiana to our team in Ohio. From there the Bibles were packed into barrels and shipped to the East coast in a truck, then put on a cargo ship bound to a port in Monrovia, Liberia. From Monrovia, I made a couple trips with car to carry the barrels from the port warehouse to our Missionary Aviation Fellowship friends who flew them to our base in Zwedru. Next the barrels are strapped to the back of motorbikes to be taken, where no car or truck can go, to our Ivory Coast base. They will be used for evangelism and discipleship to the unreached tribes.

The Last Well’s mission is that every Liberian will have access to clean water and the gospel. They have provided for us home water filter systems free. They have assisted also us with the cost of our leaders bringing the filters into the remote, forgotten villages. In our unity, we have provided thousands of homes with clean water. We have provided every home in our county, that does not have access to a water pump, with a water filter system. In unity, we are now working on a second county. We go into each home at least 4 times. Every time we enter a home we also present to them the Living Water!

I-TEC, (the Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center) sends teams all over the world with specially adapted tools and technology to train third world indigenous Christians to develop and care for themselves and to use their skills and equipment evangelistically to spread our Lord’s gospel. They have brought the tools and trained our indigenous leaders in tooth extraction using their portable dental equipment, trained in video production using portable video packs and trained in optical using their portable eye glass equipment. They covered about 85% of the total cost. Below is video about our partnership.

Wordsower Liberia Supporters are our backbone. With your prayers, visits, supplies, technical and financial support all the above is possible. Our base, motorbikes, printing press, supplies, food, gas etc, etc, etc. are available because of your generous support. Thank you!!!     

We are to be one body under one Spirit. Our Lord says that we are in Him and He is in us and that we, His Body, are to be in complete unity so that the world will know Him and know that they are loved by Him (Jn 17:23, Eph 4:3). In Obedience, we are doing it, each playing their part, so let us rejoice, sing, celebrate and dance. Amen, amen, and amen!!!

Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
  • Praise, our 2-week Bible class was overflowing. We had 67 students from 4 counties!
  • Praise, our new base in Ivory Coast is operational. The team has moved onto the base and started doing missions.
  • I will be in US August 22 – October 22. Time will be spent with family, friends and supporters. Pray that our Lord will orchestrate meetings where our vision and desire to expand will be heard.
  • Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous harvesters. Pray that our Lord would send more Western missionaries.
  • Please pray with us, our growth here has increased and we are prepared for much greater growth. But, the available finances are not allowing us to send our prepared indigenous teams into the unreached tribes. Pray that we will receive an increase in donations.   
  • Pray for the safety of our teams. There are many dangers lurking.
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
Please send donations to:
Wordsower International
16960 Sidney-Plattsville Rd
Sidney, OH 45365

Financial Report for June:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$315 - Assistance to the poor           
$460 - Radio Ministry    
$834 - Base Expenses.  Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
$1,750 – Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$1,082 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$2,874 – Wordsower Bible Institute we had twice we had a two week class on our base
$989 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$452 – Printing press supplies and labor
$654 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$852 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 – Adult Literacy
$1,860 – Wordsower Ivory Coast base
Total $12,957

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

June 2019 End of Month Report

Our Weapons used in June:
  • 5 were baptized
  • 36 missions were sent out in 5 Counties
  • 31 villages, towns or cities were ministered in. A mission may go to the same town more than once in a month
  • 50 attended our 2 week Wordsower Bible Institute class on our Zwedru base
  • 25 attended our 1 week Wordsower Bible Institute class in Sinoe County 
  • 146 attended a two-day training
  • 21 dental patients were treated and 26 teeth were extracted. We have the only dentist in 6 counties. The Gospel is presented to every patient, many of which are Muslims.
  • 79 homes received water filters systems in 2 villages. Every home receiving a filter also receives the Gospel. 109 homes had follow-up visits in 3 villages.
  • We have an hour radio broadcast every day. The broadcast presents the Gospel and teaches scripture. 
  • Hundreds of thousands of bibles have been distributed in over 1,000 villages. For those who are illiterate we have given away many audio Bibles on small memory SD chips, in their dialects, that can be used in phones and music players.

Nestor and Helena Tooua have been with us at Wordsower Liberia for 6 years. We met in an Ivorian refugee camp here in Liberia. As they continuously increased in producing lasting fruit they also increased in position in Wordsower Liberia. Nestor is on our board. Their family have lived on our base as leaders for 2 years and currently the assignment is Country Director of Ivory Coast. Helena died last week in what appears to be lung cancer. It was fast, we are in shock. Helena was important to many as a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, refugee camp leader and a leader of our mission. Please pray for the family.

On June 17-22 WSL received a training team from I-TEC (Indigenous People Technology and Education Center) from the USA. During the week-long training:
  • Two from the ITEC team trained 6 Liberians to extract teeth. Free dental service was provided to 83 persons extracting 151 teeth!!! Two of the critical dental patients were flown to Monrovia for further treatment.
  • One trained 4 Liberians in optical. They screened 164 persons. Over 80 persons received reading glasses and 26 persons received distance glasses. The total of 109 free glasses were given away to the public.
  • Another taught video production to 8 Liberians in teams of 2. We are using the videos to share our ministry here with supporters, share our trainings to those who do not have access to our school and sharing their Salvation testimonies.  
They left behind trained Liberians with equipment so that the work will continue. It was exciting to watch. This team of 4 ordinary American Christians have greatly sacrificed their lives, in active faith, for the lost and the strengthening of our Lord’s Church. They are using their skills, in sacrificial obedience, for the purposes of our Lord. I pray this will encourage us to follow their example. We possess, as they do, skills, possessions and money that will assist in reaching the unreached tribes of West Africa. Do not exclude or overlook yourself, follow the command of our Lord to reach the world. In unity, our Lord will multiply the fruit of our efforts.

The command of our Lord for us, His Church is: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mk 16:15. “The command of the eternal God… that all nations might believe and obey him.” Rom 16:26. “Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations.” Lk 24:47. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.” Mt 28:19. “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Ac 13:47. The result of our obedience will be, “All nations will come and worship before you.” Rev 15:4.

In West Africa, where we are, there are 393 unreached people groups populated by147 million. Our Lord has command us, His Church, to go to them, to give them His Gospel that leads to salvation. Our Lord’s command is not an impossible task, but it can only be accomplished with the sacrifice of His people. This generation of His Church, united, through sacrifice, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, can accomplish His command. None, who are His, is exempt from participating in the sacrifice.

Recently at the RZIM leadership training conference the question was asked of an African pastor, “What do you want to tell our church?” The answer was, “I beg you; do not compromise here in the West on the faith that we in Africa are dying for.” 

My prayer to our Lord, “Lord, we need increased provisions. Please open the flood gates of Your provision. Here we are, we are strategically positioned and trained.  We are in the foxholes eager, prepared willing to charge in obedience. But waiting, waiting for provision. Lord here we are, we will go. As You suffered, bleed, sacrificed and died for the lost and Your Church, we will also. Here we are, Lord, send us!”

For years, many of you have sacrificially donated to Wordsower Liberia. Thank you.  We continue to receive the donations that has sustained this ministry of the past. But we are growing. We have an indigenous mission team working with 3 unreached tribes in Liberia and we have just established a new base in Ivory Coast with the goal of going to the 36 unreached tribes of over 7 million. We now have teams prepared to go to the last 3 unreached tribes of Liberia and a team to go to Guinea that has 29 unreached tribes of over 11million. A team is also going to spy out the land of Northern Nigeria later this year, they have 95 unreached tribes of 59 million. But, we are on hold because the provisions to send them is not available. Please pray for us for increased provisions that we, His Church, united, is able accomplish His command to reach the nations of this generation.

Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
  • Pray for the Tooua family as they grieve the loss of Helena.
  • We praise our Lord for the sacrificial obedience of the ITEC team. They brought relief, hope and development.
  • Continue to pray for our first indigenous missionary team that has been sent to Capemount County. They are surrounded with three Muslim unreached tribes.
  • Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous harvesters. Pray that our Lord would send more Western missionaries.
  • Please pray with us, our growth here has increased and we are prepared for much greater growth. But, the available finances are not allowing us to send our prepared indigenous teams into the unreached tribes. Pray that we will receive an increase in donations.   
  • Pray for the safety of our teams. There are many dangers lurking.

    100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
    Please send donations to:
    Wordsower International
    16960 Sidney-Plattsville Rd
    Sidney, OH 45365

    Financial Report for June:
    Summary of expenses:
    $755 - Staff support for 7 employees
    $353 - Assistance to the poor           
    $462 - Radio Ministry    
    $983 - Base Expenses.  Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base.
    $386 – Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
    $711 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
    $1,552 – Wordsower Bible Institute 2-week class in Zwedru our main base
    $561 – Wordsower Bible Institute 1-week class in Sinoe County
    $1,088 - Capemont Missionary team
    $82 – Printing press supplies and labor
    $380 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
    $386 - Gas for bikes and generators
    $85 – Adult Literacy
    $700 – Wordsower Ivory Coast base
    Total $8,484