The mission of Jesus; “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Pet 3:9 NIV), is also our mission.
Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church. Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church. We have worked in over 300 villages in 12 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. We made 68 mission trips, visiting 88 villages and other locations and we made many other local mission trips. Some of the towns we were in multiple times. We went into 13 new communities. Our longest mission trip was 2 weeks the shortest a few hours. 13 were baptized and 58 completed our extensive Bible study program. Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, and availability of money are some.
Some highlights of the month
We are missing Pa Isaac: Isaac Glady one of our powerful, sacrificial, committed field leaders died from an unknown illness. We grieve. His testimony was that WSL found him as a womanizing alcoholic destined for Hell. With us he received his salvation, was baptized and married his wife on our compound. His family like most Liberian families struggle for a daily meal and housing. We are committed to our sacrificial leaders. We are covering the medical and funeral expenses. We have also committed to providing his widow and their children with food and their children’s school fees for one year. Be in prayer for those he has left behind.
Society Devils: Another masked devil leader has repented and is trying to leave the society. Leaving can be fatal.
My heart dropped: Well funded Muslim missionaries from Pakistan are in Liberia. Their mission: a mosque in every town. Before the Liberian war there were 7 mosques in Monrovia, the capital city, now there are over 100. Throughout Europe and Africa Muslims are gaining rapidly. Remember the book of the Bible Ephesus? That city and country, now Turkey, was Christian and is now 98% Muslim. There is a fierce spiritual war waging let us not sleep or be unaware. Do not be confused, Islam is a tool of Satan and is powerfully evil.
Wordsower Bible Institute: 23 completed the level 1 two week class. They have been sent out. We are now receiving calls for supplies. Praise God for our press shop! We printed over 29,000 pages of training material in January.
6,000: That is the number of additional Bibles we acquired in January.
National Armed forces of Liberia: The main army troop base of Liberia is forcefully advancing. We have done several trainings there. The army of our Lord, in the barracks, is armed, organized and going from house to house as Christ and His original disciples did. They are distributing 1,000 lessons each week, one in each home. The lessons teach about salvation, faith, repentance, forgiveness, sin and how to live the Christian life. The army is prepared to disciple those who will present themselves. From great sowing will come a great harvest.
PTP Refugee Camp: It is the largest refugee camp in West Africa. There are approximately 13,000 there now. The camp is just a 30 minute bike trip away. (Solo Refugee camp is another camp we work in that is also about 30 minutes away). We have been working in them for 2 years. This month we will have a level 1, two week training with them in our Bible Institute in French. Other refugees will attend another two week class in April. After the class we want to put translated lessons into each refugee home as we are doing in the army barracks. We want to train and send an army of Christian warriors back into Ivory Coast. WSL has plans on entering it with them this year.
Thank you for your prayers, donations and encouragement,
“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” C. S. Lewis.
Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:
Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Congo, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Eni, Farmersville, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gardoway, Gbalawin, Gbliyee, Gbojuelville, Geelor, Greeneville, Greft, Greenville Hospital, Grigsby Farm, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Kakpo, Karquekpo, Katuzon, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Neinplikpo, New Kru, Nyennwlejen, Paul, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Po-River, Polay, Pratt, Prison of Sino County, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saikas, Saygbeken, Seebeh, Seedubo, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Swenpon, Tarta, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah, Zanwonjah. Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Banana ,Bar, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bellyalla, Bently Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Blown, Boe, Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Brown, Chayee, Chebeh, Chebeor, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Deyan, Diah, Dogbar, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Doubah, Duo Town, Dweh, 48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbarzon, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe, Gboe, Geewon, Gboleken, Gborabo, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert, Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo, Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu, Johban, John David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Krah, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, Ma Esther, Menyeah, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, Pokor, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah, Saycon, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Techiensla, Tiama, Tobolee, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Wlagbo, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zuabah, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital. Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline. River Gee County: Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Myoken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Tuaken, Wartiken. Bomi County: Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg. Margibi County: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak, Takata. Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations. Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Gougartwo, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo. River Cess County: Darhga, Gbee. Grand Kru County: Baclaville City, Baclaville Check Point, Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Company Camp, Doubbo, Gbarken, Iron Bridge, Kladipah, Leaceco, Solokent, Woelowinken, Wropluken. Bong County: Bucannon. Grand Bassa County: Baccoline, Goah.
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