Friday, December 7, 2018

November 2018 End of Month Report

Our Mission is to see a healthy church in every village of Liberia.  It takes many weapons to fight and win a war.  Wordsower Liberia has many weapons:

Our Weapons:

  • We sent teams on 49 missions to 84 villages/towns in 8 Counties
  • We sent a team to Ivory Coast on mission 
  • We did 5, three-day trainings in 5 counties.  Many are unable to attend our school so we send teams out to do trainings.
  • 26 attended our Wordsower Bible Institute 2-week, level-3 French class. The Bible Institute trains the students in Bible doctrine, discipleship, church planting, and becoming missionaries.
  • We have an hour radio broadcast every day.  The broadcast presents the Gospel and teaches scripture.
  • Our printing press has been shut down because of mechanical problems and because we are out of paper.  The road is impassible; no cars or trucks can get through to bring supplies to the SE of Liberia.
  • Our dentist treated 17 patients and extracted 20 teeth. We have the only dentist in 6 counties.  His Gospel is presented to every patient, many of which are Muslims.
  • We have distributed hundreds of thousands of bibles in over a 1,000 villages.  For those who are illiterate we have given away many audio Bibles on small memory chips, in their dialects, that can be used in phones and music players.
  • 205 homes received water filters.  We have the assignment of providing a water filter system to every small village home in Maryland County. Every home receiving a filter will also receive his Gospel.
  • The Capemont County Missionary Team continues to be trained on our base in Zwedru while the mission housing and school are being renovated.  We plan on the team moving to Capemont County on January 4. The mission of WSL is for every village of Liberia to have a healthy church.  In Liberia we have a half million people in 5 unreached Muslim tribes.  We must go to them!!!  We have learned that to be accepted into an unreached resistant tribe we must “Give them what they want so that we can give them what they need.”  They want a school for their children, they need Salvation through Jesus Christ.  This team will be reaching the Muslim unreached Gola and Vai tribes as they give their children education.

2 Tim 2:3-4, “Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer.”  Francis in the picture below is holding the helmet he was wearing when he got into an accident.  The helmet split.  After returning from the hospital he got another helmet and went out again.  He is a true soldier of the Cross.  Francis loves the American marines and is one in our Lord’s army. Accidents will never cease.  Today many have wounds healing from the bikes, myself included.  Pray for our continued protection as we go to remote places, to the lost, and to strengthen His Church.

On December 9, this Sunday I, Kim, will be flying to Nigeria and will return to Liberia on January 4.  I feel compelled by the Spirit to go to the refugee camps to see His wounded church and to seek the lost.  Our Lord commands for us, His Church, to participate in these.

“Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?”  1 Cor 10:16. The blood of Christ was shed for the lost.  The body of Christ was broken for His church.  We are to be participants in His sacrifice. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Matt 16:24-25.  We, His church, must be there! Be there to care for His persecuted Church, to bring His Gospel to the unreached tribes and to the militant Muslims.  Many have been called to be there and have obeyed. The problem is huge.  Reinforcements and supplies are still needed

Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
  • Praise, a team went to Ivory Coast and have found a perfect place to lease.  Pray that we will be able to lease it.
  • Pray that we can open a new mission in Ivory Coast!  They go to enlarge and strengthen His church and to the 36 unreached tribes of 7 million people.
  • Pray for our filter team as they distribute filters in a new county, Maryland County.
  • Our indigenous missionary team is going to the unreached Vai and Gola tribes on January 4th.  Pray that our Lord will prepare our team to go and our Lord will prepare the tribes to receive.
  • Our Lord says to pray for more harvesters to be sent into the field.  Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous and foreign harvesters 
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
Please send donations to:
Wordsower International
16960 Sidney-Plattsville Rd
Sidney, OH 45365

Financial Report for October:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$259 - Assistance to the poor                      
$468 - Radio Ministry       
$84 – literacy Ministry.  4 classes of students meet each week.
$872 - Base Expenses.  Covers food cost for the team, visitors, maintenance, on base ministry
$1,137 – Missions
$0 – Printing press supplies and labor
$989 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$705 – Construction, supplies and team support for our Capemont missionary project
$268 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$730 - Gas for bikes and generators
$1,674 - Wordsower Bible Institute. Food, housing, training material, transportation and teacher pay for 26 students for 2 weeks

Total $7,941

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