Liberia and Ivory Coast reports united:
2 - Countries
14 - Total counties we ministered in
69 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in
47 - Total mission trips
26 - Total baptized
3 - Completed the Bible Marking program
96 – Attended our Bible Institute 6 day satellite training
60 – attended a 4 day training in 1 location
98 - Attended our 2 day trainings in 8 locations
68 - Attended our 1 day trainings in 2 locations
20 - Dental patients, 28 teeth pulled
0 - Optical patients, 7 glasses distributed
1,100 - Viewed the Jesus film shown in 13 locations
800 - Pages printed
The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad. Only in the unity of us all can the above be a reality and even increase.
WSL Christmas was very good!!!
We had an $8,000 donation from a person in California for 8 new motorbikes. Earlier, we received a separate donation for $1,000 for another bike from someone in Michigan. Praise God for answered prayers!
I have been in the capital, Monrovia, for over a month because of the bank problems caused by what could be a big financial collapse of the nation. The bank we were using, LBDI, is government owned. The government took 62 million from the bank to try and pay employees that have not been paid for over 5 months. The result is that those who had money in the bank no longer have their money available to them. This has caused a severe cash flow problem within our ministry.
One day, I went into the city to try to open a new corporate account at another bank, UBA. This is a solid private bank that is all over Africa. It has taken almost a month to open the account. Finally got it opened. This was my first morning prayer answered. Thank you Lord! joy is present!
We have searched the city for Gideon pocket Bibles in the past but to no avail; all our former sources were out of Bibles. I prayed for the Gideons that morning and it so happened that we bumped into a guy on the street that had 4,000 available for a nickel each. 40 cases of 100 Bibles for $5 a case: total cost $200. Beautiful! Another morning prayer answered! The dance starts! God ordained!!!
My foot has been swollen and painfully bruised from a motorbike accident over a week ago. I didn’t have a pair of regular shoes and was only wearing rubber “shoes” (think crocks). I wanted more support and protection. I also prayed the same morning for our Lord to help me find a pair of real shoes. As I was going about the business of the day, working with the bank and Gideon Bible shipping, I walked by an open faced shack. There was a brand new pair of Merrill shoes - the same style I have in the USA - which were very nice!! Exactly what I would have chosen if I had all the world’s shoes available to choose from. The new $100 shoes fit perfect, for only $17!!! A next to impossible find, and in a rotten shack to boot! It is fun to see answered prayer. God ordained, again. I sensed the pleasure of our Lord and dancing increased! The joy of our Lord was now overflowing. The worlds best gift was found in a shack and 2,000 years later, we can still find wonderful, God-ordained, gifts in shacks.
“You, Lord, are all I have,
and you give me all I need;
my future is in your hands.
How wonderful are your gifts to me;
how good they are!
I praise the Lord, because he guides me.”
Ps 16:5-8 (GNB).
I love it! I love walking in faith and obedience and living in the miraculous!! Let us all dance, let us praise our Lord!!! Thank you Lord, thank you… wait its not over. While typing this last sentence I get a phone call. Tomorrow we will be given $3,000 in cash from our ministry partner, The Last Well, located right down the road from here. If the banks won’t give us money God will find another way. Our Lord, isn’t He gracious? I sense Him chuckling just now.
Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
- Praise: We are now in several resistant, unreached, Muslim villages teaching literacy, Jesus, and the Bible!
- Praise: We have now 245 students from these villages learning how to read and learning about Jesus!
- Prayer: Please pray for the financial crisis in Liberia. Banks have run out of money. Confusion, stress, suffering, and poverty is rapidly increasing because of this new current crisis.
- Prayer: Please pray that we will continue to boldly and fearlessly march into the strongholds of Satan to “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
- Pray: For increased donations. We have an indigenous missionary team ministering to 3 of the unreached tribes of Liberia. We have 2 more unreached tribes that need indigenous teams to go to them. Our neighbors, Sierra Leone and Guinea, are asking us to start this ministry in their country also.
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
Click here to donate online
Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085
If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417
Financial Report for December:
Summary of expenses:
$755 - Staff support for 7 employees
$296 - Assistance to the poor
$1,062 - Radio Ministry. Because of bank problems we could not pay them last month
$650 - Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and maintenance on the base
$499 - Mission; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$742 - Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$786 - Wordsower Bible Institute satellite 1 week class, level 1, in Maryland County
$1,230 - Capemont Missionary team working with 3 unreached Muslim tribes
$0 - Printing press supplies and labor
$322 - Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$603 - Gas for bikes and generators
$80 - Adult Literacy
$1,920 - Wordsower Ivory Coast base
$1,200 – Supplies for press, WBI, dental
Total $10,145
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