Monday, January 16, 2023

December 2022 End of Month Report

4 - Countries that have Wordsower Africa bases: Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia
7 - Bases - 4 in Liberia, 1 base in Ivory Coast, 1 base in Sierra Leone, 1 base in Guinea
19 - Total counties we ministered in
217 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in
33 - Churches we visited and worked with 
2 - Churches started
123 - Total mission trips
142 - Persons were baptized
403 - Confessions of Christ for salvation
23 - Attended Wordsower Bible Institute level 2 Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia 
27 - Attended our One-week Level 2 training in Man City, Ivory Coast 
1,071 - Attended our 2 days workshops-training in 8 locations.
5,604 - Viewed the Jesus Film, 35 locations and 48 times shown.
4 - Community Radio stations broadcasting on
17 - Dental patients, 23 teeth pulled.
7 - Optical clients, 3 gasses service, 4 clients sent to see specialist at the public hospital
11,500 - Press report, Copies printed, 128 booklets made (English)

Our on-site leaders and the donations of churches and individuals from abroad are bringing in a great harvest. We need the unity of us all, His Church, to accomplish our Lord’s command to reach the world. Thank you for your active love and faith. Thank you for sacrificing with us. 

Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.… He went on to say, this is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” John 6:44 and 65. God draws mankind unto Himself and enables mankind to receive salvation. Jesus also said, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18. Jesus builds His church. 

He has assigned us, His church, to bring the gospel, the knowledge of saving faith, to the world. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:14. Our Lord receives all the Glory. Paul said, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7. Our joy on earth is to be used by Him to reconcile the world unto Himself. Our unity, here in West Africa and abroad, is accomplishing his command to reach the world. 

Our base in Sierra Leone is experiencing a great move of the Holy Spirit. I, Kim Smith, just returned from there. I went to encourage, give additional training and to observe. I was astounded!!! I saw churches in towns of resistant, unreached Muslim tribes that had never in their history had a church. It is estimated that some of these tribes may have only one or two Christians per 100,000 people ( Christmas Sunday morning I preached in Malai. Our indigenous missionary team first entered the town 5 months ago and found no Christians. One month ago, we built their church roof. They have already outgrown and put an extension on it. Christmas morning 148 showed for the service. The new church building was overpacked. Continuously benches were brought in and filled throughout the service. Testimonies were given from the Imam (The spiritual leader of their Mosque), the town chief and town elders. Several had walked far to come to the new church. Many said that they wanted a church in their town! This is not an isolated example, there are many other such testimonies in the surrounding counties. Only by a powerful move of the Holy Spirit could the majority of a town, from an unreached Muslim tribe, come to Christ in 5 months. That is not the work of man but of God. We, us here and you there, are His tools that are used for His purposes. The video, below, is less than three minutes long. It tells of some of my experiences in Sierra Leone.

Paul said to the Roman church, “But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions, and since I have been longing for many years to visit you, I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to see you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there.” Romans 15:23-24. Paul wanted to go into new territory, to new unreached tribes. He asked the church in Rome for financial assistance to go. Times have not changed. 2,000 years later it is the existing churches that send the missionaries into the unreached tribes. It is in our unity, each doing our part, that a great harvest will be realized among the unreached.

Testimonies from our bases

The testimonies below come from our indigenous missionary bases. These bases are strategically located in the midst of resistant, unreached tribes. In the regions of our bases are towns that have never had churches. Within these Satanic strongholds, we are seeing salvations. We then baptize, disciple, and start churches. 

From our indigenous missionary team in Sierra Leone: 

“The heartbeat of Jesus Christ is that no one should perish. Therefore, we are to sacrifice to complete the mission of Jesus Christ. Where we are, we don't understand the language of the community dwellers. We haven't been here before, but the spirit of God has been leading us to hundreds of churchless communities. To thousands of souls that are perishing. They haven't heard the gospel. They are surprised to see us as Christian missionaries and slaves of the living God. We are to spread the gospel in order to save these souls from hell. We as a team, believe that, EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE NEEDS TO HEAR THE GOSPEL. It's a great task, but with God above, all things are possible.” 

“We had a church service in Kamoria village. We spent the night and showed the Jesus film in their language. The next morning, we had a beautiful church service. Many came, but some of the new converts stayed away because of fear of family and community persecution. We have two spiritual leaders we are training to be elders of the newly birthed church.” 

While I was in Sierra Leone, we had a pastor’s conference. 62 spiritual leaders attended from several churches. Many of these are new pastors that came from the Muslim towns. They loved the teaching and want more teachings.

“We are soldiers, no fear, no worry, no stopping and no resting. We go, the gospel advances.”

From our indigenous missionary team in Gbarpolu County, Liberia:

“Two animistic towns have finally accepted the gospel. One of them, Yakayah, was founded in 1864 by a warrior named Yaka of the unreached Gola tribe. Since the town was established there have been no worship services or a church. This town has been a regional stronghold of witchcraft and the demonic. By the power of God that yoke has been broken. Our team went in and showed the Jesus film. Many accepted Christ. Their first Christmas celebration service was a success. The town chief agreed for us to have the service. Another church is being birthed.” 

“Zelemu town has accepted the gospel. The town elders have given land for the Christians to build a worship center. Another church is being birthed, for the first time, in this town.”

“Madina, the regional Muslim stronghold, has never allowed for Christians to be in their town. Finally they allowed us to have a Christmas celebration. The children were many. Pray with us a church will also be birthed here.” 

“Wordsower is highly regarded. Many pastors, teachers and former Muslims attend our trainings. Muslims are converting to Christ.” 

Thank you! Every donation is important. The work is accomplished by the unity of us all. You are giving unto the Lord. Whether it is large or small that isn’t what is important. But to give as our Lord leads, as He compels each of us, that is what is important. 

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

  • Praise: We have entered a new year. We thank our Lord for the harvest of 2022.
  • Pray: The roads are bad. It is dangerous for us as we travel on our motorbikes. I had an accident returning from Sierra Leone. My knee is damaged. Another had an accident and his foot is damaged. Please pray for our safety.
  • Pray: For our indigenous missionary teams, that they will continue to fearlessly, boldly and sacrificially advance the gospel into the unreached tribes.
  • Pray: As we prepare to send another indigenous missionary team to the Muslim unreached tribes of Sierra Leone. 
  • Pray: For us we march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
  • Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord's message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.


100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts 
will be sent each January.

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower 
Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if 
the information is not already on the check. Mail to: 
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then email 
me at I’m also available on the app called WhatsApp, the 
contact number is +231-8813-44417

Summary of financial report for December:

$1,680 – Employee pay for 10 employees, Zwedru base
$359 – Assistance to the poor; medical, rent, school fees, funeral expenses - Zwedru base
$794 – Base expenses; food, maintenance, local transport – Zwedru base
$4,198 – Missions; sending teams into the remote villages – Zwedru base
$231 – Bike repairs – Zwedru base
$515 - Gas for bikes and generators – Zwedru base 
$674 - Radio broadcasting from 4 stations
$80- Adult Literacy Zedru base
$43 - Video
$30 - Optical
$618- Wordsower Bible Institute, level 2, 2-week class, Zwedru, Liberia
$20 - Printing department – Zwedru base
$2,578- Grand Capemont County missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes 
$2,410 - Lofa County missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$1,870 - Gbarpolu County missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$1,900 - Sierra Leone missionary team is teaching 1 unreached Muslim tribe
$2,500 - Ivory Coast mission team going to several unreached tribes
$1,900 - Guinea Missionary team
$360- Government Taxes
$250 - Bank fees, the cost of receiving and sending money from USA and our international bases
$8,900 – Construction – An addition to our Bible school room, offices and dental rooms
Total – $31,910

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