- 16 were baptized and 49 completed our Bible marking course.
- Our first indigenous missionary team in Wacco village of Capemont County are boldly advancing. They ministered in 36 villages inhabited by 3 unreached Muslim tribes: the Vai, Gola, and Mandingo. They are also operating a grade school of 85 students
- We sent teams on 64 missions to 120 villages and towns in 9 Counties
- We did 6 three-day regional trainings. Many are unable to attend our school so we send teams out to do trainings.
- We have an hour radio broadcast every day. The broadcast presents the Gospel and teaches scripture.
- Our dentists treated 24 patients and extracted 30 teeth. We have the only dentist in 6 counties. The Gospel is presented to every patient, many of which are Muslims.
- Hundreds of thousands of Bibles have been distributed in over 1,000 villages. For those who are illiterate we have given away many audio Bibles on small memory chips, in their dialects, that can be used in phones and music players.
- 96 homes received water filters and we did filter follow-up visits to 184 homes in 16 villages/towns. Every home receiving a filter also receives the Gospel.
- We showed the Jesus film in many villages to over a thousand people this month.
- Our adult literacy team has 14 students.
We had 10 members of Woodside Church in Detroit come for a short-term mission trip. Wow, was it ever a mission adventure! It was divinely powerful, brutal, fruitful, and life changing. It was life changing for the team and those they ministered to. They showed the Jesus film to 4 villages of the unreached Muslims from the Gola and Vai tribes. They went where Wordsower Liberia has never gone before. They evangelized boldly and fearlessly from house to house in those villages producing fruit that will last for all eternity.
They ministered in the prison twice. In the Ivorian refugee camp they showed the Jesus film twice along with door to door evangelism. They ministered in Franzay, a village with a demonic stronghold. There they showed the Jesus film and met the demonic society’s resistance but overcame them. That night in Franzay was a significant breaking of the enemy’s stronghold. But knockouts require a one-two punch. The next day they returned to Franzay and went door to door evangelizing!!! Ahh! What joy to forcefully advance with fearless disciples!!! That same day they also went to another village to daub the house of the pastor of Gwenibo. Daubing is to pack mud in the walls of a building. Gwenibo was also once a demonic stronghold but now has a healthy worshiping community of believers with their own church building. We, His disciples, show up and always the strongholds fall, always!!!
Another mission was going to Jellue. We traveled for almost an hour, standing in the back of a pick-up truck, going deeper and deeper into the rain forest. Then we hiked another 2 hours on a small jungle trail crossing rivers on rotten log “bridges.” The welcoming was one for kings, receiving the very best they had. There we showed the Jesus film, slept on the dirt floor of a daubed church, and the next day hiked out carrying smoked monkey for the next day’s meal.
Their personal stories of our Lord’s hand on them, hardships, sufferings, but most importantly lasting fruit are many. Oh, was the trip brutal! But the brutality was against the generational strongholds of the enemy. You will hear their testimonies later.
The team is David Bahbah, David Mills, Bob Murray, Steve Schlicker, Jan-Georg Van Der With, David Watts, Matt Waugh, Aaron Wood, Todd Wood, and Brian Wood. Below are some pictures from their trip.
Participate with us in Praise and prayer:
- Praise!! We had a very successful short term mission team of 10 come
- Praise!! As we go back to neighboring Guinea.
- Continue to pray for our first indigenous missionary team that has been sent to Capemount County. They are surrounded with 3 Muslim unreached tribes.
- We have a team of 2 coming in May. They are coming to fix our broken printing press. Pray for this team. Pray they will bring the needed parts and be able to get the press running again.
- In April we will be sending a permanent indigenous missionary team to Ivory Coast. Pray as they go.
- Our Lord says to pray for more harvesters to be sent into the field. Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers few. Pray for more indigenous harvesters. Pray that our Lord would send more Western missionaries
- Pray that our Lord will use us to train and send an army of Liberian warriors that will reach into the 393 unreached tribes of West Africa.
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.
Please send donations to:
Wordsower International
16960 Sidney-Plattsville Rd
Sidney, OH 45365
Financial Report for March
Summary of expenses:
$905 - Staff support for 7 employees
$305 - Assistance to the poor
$423 - Radio Ministry
$768- Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors, maintenance, on base ministry
$1,654 – Missions
$1,241 – Wordsower Bible Institute
$36– Printing press supplies and labor
$1,100 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$2,866 – Construction, supplies, school, new motorbike, generator and team support for our Capemont missionary project
$762 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$800 - Gas for bikes and generators
$100 – adult Literacy
Total $10,960
Financial Report for March
Summary of expenses:
$905 - Staff support for 7 employees
$305 - Assistance to the poor
$423 - Radio Ministry
$768- Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors, maintenance, on base ministry
$1,654 – Missions
$1,241 – Wordsower Bible Institute
$36– Printing press supplies and labor
$1,100 – Water filter team is in Maryland County installing home water filter systems
$2,866 – Construction, supplies, school, new motorbike, generator and team support for our Capemont missionary project
$762 – Motorbike maintenance and repairs
$800 - Gas for bikes and generators
$100 – adult Literacy
Total $10,960
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