Tuesday, July 13, 2021

June 2021 End of Month Report

4 - Countries (Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, and Liberia)

6 – Bases - 4 in Liberia (Zwedru, Grand Gedeh; Sinje, Grand Cape Mount, Voinjama, Lofa and Bopolu, Gbarpolu), 1 base in Ivory Coast, 1 base in Sierra Leone

19 - Total counties we ministered in 4 countries

214 - Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in 

51 - Churches we visited and worked with – Zwedru base

173 - Total mission trips 

34 - Persons were baptized in June (so far in July almost 80 have been baptized)

27 - Attended the level 1 WBI 2 weeks school – Zwedru base, Liberia

283 - Attended our 2 days workshops-training in 8 locations

22 – Attended our level 1, 2-week training in Ivory Coast

3,438 - Viewed the Jesus Film, 26 locations and 28 times shown

3 - Community Radio stations broadcasting on

16 - Dental patients, 20 teeth pulled

14 - Optical patients, 10 pair glasses distributed, 4 patients referred.

58,000 – Pages printed; 268 booklets made (English)

The above report is made possible by a united sacrificial team here and abroad. Only in the unity 
of us all can the above be a reality and even increase. We have spread across Liberia and are in
the neighboring countries where we train, disciple and church plant. We use many different 
weapons as we advance the Kingdom of God within the strongholds of Satan.

Just Show up!  78 baptized in an unreached tribe!

Our new indigenous missionary team, which was sent into Sierra Leone, baptized 78 persons in one day.  Below is the report. This report has been made possible, in part, because of you, our overseas team, in unity with our on-ground team.  (I have changed the names of the towns and people for protection)

In 2020, we sent a team to the Temene-Banta tribe in Sierra Leone, to spy out the land and look for a potential base. According to the Joshua project, this Muslim unreached tribe is composed of 0.00% evangelical Christians. Our team conducted a series of trainings, visited several villages, and shared the gospel with hundreds of people within the tribe. Tracks, pamphlets, Bibles and our teaching lessons were given to them.  One of the places our team went to was the village of Moora.  Moora and all the villages around it have mosques, but no churches.  After a month of service, our team returned to our main base in Zwedru, Liberia. 

Last month, the team went back to the Temene-Banta tribe to establish their missionary base. To the team’s surprise, the news of their return spread as quickly as a brush fire. The villagers in Moora were overjoyed to receive them again. Of all the hundreds of villages and towns of this tribe, the Spirit of God had led the team to go to Moora on their first visit, and led them to return to Moora on their second.  Kpeyeh, the team leader said, “When we arrived in Moora, as is our custom, we taught the gospel from house to house. The people were impressed and moved by the Holy Spirit to be baptized. They asked us to meet with the Muslim town chief to request permission before baptizing.  To our utter surprise the town chief, who is also a member of the Muslim council, gave us permission to baptize them.  He also said that it was a good thing to have both a church and mosque in their town.” 

Kpeyeh continued, saying, “On Saturday, July 3, we went down to the water to baptize.  Again, to our surprise, I heard women, men and children shouting, “I WANT TO BE BAPTIZED"! A group of people came pouring out to us, into the creek, and we baptized them all with joy.” When they had finished, 78 persons, including three children of an Imam (an Imam is a Muslim spiritual leader) were baptized. A church has been birthed within the Temene-Banta unreached Muslim tribe by the power of the Holy Spirit!!!  Those that planned on being baptize were taught before baptism.  Those who came without being taught were taught afterwards.  All gave testimony of salvation before being allowed to be baptized. The new church has been turned over to a local man that we are training to pastor them. The town has given us property for a church building. We hope to start construction in August.

Our moto is, “Just show up!”  Our team came to this resistant, churchless, Muslim tribe in the same way the apostle Paul did on his missionary trips. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:1-4, “When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified… My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.”  We just show up, and discover that our Lord has gone before us and prepared the harvest.  

This miracle was made possible because of our unity, faith, love and sacrifice. We have additional trained teams ready to be sent.  The next team we want to send into Guinea. 86% of Guinea is made up of unreached tribes.  The team is trained and ready to go.  They are waiting for the funding.

My questions are: Why has His Church not shown up before now, when a great harvest seems so easy?  And how many other such places exist, waiting for the church to come?

Our Lord said in Acts 13:47, “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” We, His Church, have been commanded to go to everybody, everywhere, with the gospel.  Wordsower Africa is going from village-to-village evangelizing and discipling.  Those who prove fruitful, faithful and willing are trained to form and be sent as indigenous missionary teams into the unreached tribes. We have teams in all 5 of the unreached tribes of Liberia. The nations boarding us, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone, have a total of 76 unreached tribes. May we, in unity, increase.  We can never say “enough”, as long as there are unreached tribes.    

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

  • Praise: 4 American missionary trainees are with us.  Their purpose is to be trained as missionaries.  Their desire is to go to the unreached tribes with the gospel.
  • Pray: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38.
  • Pray: There are 393 unreached tribes, 147 million souls, in West Africa. Pray that each person will hear the gospel. Pray that His Church will go to them in obedience.
  • Pray: Please pray for our safety as we continue to boldly and fearlessly march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
  • Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord's message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.


100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January.

Click here to donate online and select "PARTNERSHIP - WORDSOWER AFRICA"

Check Donations:
Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:          
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

If you have questions or problems with donations or want to contact me, Kim Smith, then
email me at kimlogansmith1957@gmail.com. I’m also available on the app called Whatsapp, the contact number is +231881344417

Financial Report for June:

Summary of expenses:
$1,240 - Staff support for 8 employees
$789 - Assistance to the poor includes rent, medicine – Zwedru base
$661 - Radio Ministry – Zwedru base
$869 – Zwedru Base Expenses. Covers food cost for the team, visitors and construction project
$2,668 – Zwedru base mission teams sent; teams that are sent out to preach and teach
$642 - Motorbike maintenance and repairs – Zwedru base
$535 - Gas for bikes and generators – Zwedru base 
$80 - Adult Literacy – Zwedru base
$131 – Printing department – Zwedru base
$10 – Video department – Zwedru base
$454 – Bookstore Bibles – Zwedru base
$1,259 – Wordsower Bible Institute level 1, 2 weeks - Zwedru base
$291 – Construction of student housing – Zwedru base
$2,280 – Grand Capemont Missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes 
$1,500 - Lofa County missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$1,500 - Gbarpolu County Missionary team is reaching 2 unreached Muslim tribes
$3,500 – Ivory Coast mission team
$340 – Vacation pay
Total - $18,749

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